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The Nightborn, Generals of Oblivion

Ever since mortals first peered into the dark voids beyond the world, there have been those who have longed to serve the baleful powers that brood and hunger Outside. Whereas some were content to walk the path of the Necromancer, studying the Black and making pacts with its denizens, there are a few who go even farther, renouncing the Gods of Aerynth and giving themselves over to the Void, body and soul. Dark rituals consign the bodies of these wicked fiends to death, while their souls are drained away to feed the hunger of the Void. The mind remains, wiped clean of any memory of its previous life, but full of cunning and hate. Unnatural strength and vigor fill their limbs, and their flesh turns pale and hard as alabaster. Thus the old flesh dies, and a Vampire, chosen general of Oblivion, is born.

Race Information
Vampire Rune Stone
Available Classes

Starting Attributes

Creation Cost: 25

Granted: 45 Base Strength / 120 Max Strength
Granted: 50 Base Dexterity / 120 Max Dexterity
Granted: 45 Base Constitution / 120 Max Constitution
Granted: 50 Base Intelligence / 120 Max Intelligence
Granted: 30 Base Spirit / 65 Max Spirit

  • Granted: Dark Fortitude
  • Granted: The Lesser Kiss
  • Granted: Vampire's Kiss
  • All powers cost Health
  • Bloodcraft Skill: +10
  • Healing Resistance: +20%
  • Bleed Resistance: +20%
  • Cold Resistance: +20%
  • Unholy Resistance: +20%
  • Holy Resistance: -20%
  • Fire Resistance: -20%
  • Health Regeneration: -35%
Racial Items
Abilities and Traits

Dark Fortitude
Dark Fortitude's Power Cameo "Personal Combat Fortitude"

Granted: Level 1
Power Rank: 1 (Novice)
Focus Skill: Bloodcraft
Power Type: Spell
Health Cost: 15 to 35 (at power ranks 0 to 20)
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Recycle Time: 60.0 seconds
Target and Range: Self/No target

  • Damage Cap
    • DamageCap only affects damage flagged as:
      • Crushing, Piercing, or Slashing
    • Triggers when Damage exceeds percent of Health: +30% to +10% (at power rank 0 to 20)
    • Blows above damage cap are reduced to 50% of the damage cap value
    • Duration: 10:00 to 20:00 minutes at power ranks 0 to 20
    • Stack Category: DamageAbsorber
    • Dispel Tags: Fortitude

The Lesser Kiss
The Lesser Kiss's Power Cameo "Single Target Non-Player Health Drain"

Granted: Level 1
Power Rank: 20 (Journeyman)
Focus Skill: Bloodcraft
Power Type: Spell
Health Cost: 25
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Recycle Time: 20.0 seconds
Requires Hit Roll: Yes
Target and Range: Monsters only(100 Units)

  • Drain Health
    • Amount: 35 to 57
    • Conversion Efficiency: 100%
    • From Target to Caster

Vampire's Kiss
Vampire's Kiss's Power Cameo "Single Target Player-Only Health Drain"

Granted: Level 20
Focus Skill: Bloodcraft
Power Type: Spell
Health Cost: 15 to 35 (at Power Ranks 1 to 20)
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Recycle Time: 30.0 seconds
Requires Hit Roll: Yes
Target and Range: Players Only (100 Units)

  • Drain Health
    • Amount: 15 to 35 (From levels 0 to 20)
    • Conversion Efficiency: 40% to 100% (From levels 0 to 20)
    • From Target to Caster
Image Gallery
Main article: Category:Vampire Pictures

Wyrmskin.pngVampire wiki.pngDragonplate.png