Patch 14
The September 2006 Content Patch, was added to Shadowbane on September 27th, 2006.
- 1 Changelog
- 1.2 WORLD
- 1.3 CITY / SIEGE
- 1.4 RACE
- 1.5 CLASS
- 1.5.1 Poison System
- 1.5.2 Healer
- 1.5.3 Mage
- 1.5.4 Rogue
- 1.5.5 Assassin
- 1.5.6 Bard
- 1.5.7 Channeler
- 1.5.8 Confessor
- 1.5.9 Doomsayer
- 1.5.10 Druid
- 1.5.11 Fury
- 1.5.12 Huntress
- 1.5.13 Necromancer
- 1.5.14 Prelate
- 1.5.15 Priest
- 1.5.16 Ranger
- 1.5.17 Scout
- 1.5.18 Templar
- 1.5.19 Thief
- 1.5.20 Warlock
- 1.5.21 Wizard
- The Mini-Map has been updated to only show players that are in your group, Guild, and Nation; this change does not affect NPCs.
- The /target command has been removed.
- The /use command has been updated to only cast powers at the maximum trained level.
- Powers and abilities that dispel a snare will now dispel the archery power Shot to the Leg.
Offensive, Defensive, and Precise Stance have been changed to a 0.0 casting time and their recycle timers increased to 30 seconds.
- Fixed a server crash.
- The following new Hotkeys have been modified or added:
- Target Next Player - Works the same as before.
- Target Previous Player - Will recall the last thirty players cycled through using the Target Next Player function.
- Target Next Ally - This works like Target Next Player but it only cycles through members of a player's group, guild, and Nation.
- Target Previous Ally - WiIll recall the last thirty allies cycled through using the Target Next Ally function.
- Target Next NPC - Works the same as before.
- Target Previous NPC - Will recall the last thirty NPCs cycled through using the Target Next NPC function.
- When creating a new character, only the main city on the starting island will show up instead of the hamlets when choosing what city to begin at.
- Non-Player Character combatants that do not reside on either Maelstrom or Oblivion have begun to decend in power; rarely will you see a creature above Rank 4 outside of Maelstrom or Oblivion.
- Non-Player Character combatants on the Starting Islands of the Aerynth, Dalgoth, and Vorringia mapsets have had their attributes and combat stats lowered.
- Paracelsus the Alchemist has taken up shop in Sea Dog's Rest.
- Player-vs.-Player Messages have been changed to solely state who was killed by whom.
- Adjusted the decay period for refining from 6 hours to 30 minutes, meaning every half hour one point will be removed from the cost multiplier.
- Only Guild Leadership (i.e. Guild Leader and Inner Council members) can successfully use a Bane Scroll.
- Guild Seeds and Tears of Saedron, as with Scrolls, can only be sold and recycled for zero (0) gold at Vendors
- If the sale of an item will bring a strongbox over its limit, a Hireling will not sell that item.
- An issue with Warehouses appearing to be non-functional when a player first opens the Warehouse Inventory and tries to deposit or withdraw resources within the 10 second timer has been fixed.
- New potions are now available at the Alchemists found in Safeholds.
- These potions have a consumption time of 10 seconds, cannot be used in combat, and will not work if interrupted by taking damage while consuming it.
- The Greater Constitution Potion increases the user's Constitution by +55, has a duration of 3600 seconds, but does not stack with Healer (or Bard) buffs.
- The Greater Strength Potion increases the user's Strength by +55, has a duration of 3600 seconds, but does not stack with Healer (or Bard) buffs.
- The Greater Dexterity Potion increases the user's Dexterity by +55, has a duration of 3600 seconds, but does not stack with Healer (or Bard) buffs.
- The Greater Intelligence Potion increases the user's Intelligence by +55, has a duration of 3600 seconds, but does not stack with Wizard (or Bard) buffs.
- The Greater Spirit Potion increases the user's Spirit by +55, has a duration of 3600 seconds, but does not stack with Wizard (or Bard) buffs.
- The Greater Defense Potion adjusts a user's defense by +145, has a duration of 3600 seconds, and does not stack with other normal Defense Buffs (such as the Healer's Blessed Protection).
- The Greater Concoction Potion includes all of the above effects and rolls them into one potion. While easier to use, this potion is more expensive that the individual potions.
- Wildkin's Chase has been modified with a casting time of .02 seconds, a recycle timer of 300 seconds, costs 10 stamina, and dispels any active snares. It can also now be cast while moving.
- Dwarves now have access to the Archer discipline.
- Adjusted the following attributes: Maximum Strength to 150 (was 140), Base Dexterity to 40 (was 30), Maximum Dexterity to 65 (was 75), Base Constitution to 60 (was 50), Maximum Constitution to 140 (was 130), Base Spirit to 30 (was 35), Maximum Spirit to 60 (was 80).
- Changed the racial power Undaunted to Violent Rage; .02 casting time, 60 seconds duration, a 600 second recycle timer, and costs 10 Stamina to cast. Violent Rage grants a stackable +25 STR, -15% Attack Speed, +15% Melee Damage buff, and cannot be stunned or powerblocked during the duration of the Rage.
- Health Bonus was increased from 10 to 20.
- Granted the Toughness skill at Level 1.
- Added a -35% Health Regeneration Debuff to the Race.
- Vampire's Kiss now drains 15 to 35 health from a target with 40% to 100% efficiency from Power Ranks 0 to 20.
- The Lesser Kiss is now granted at Power Rank 20 (cannot be trained further).
Poison System
- Implemented a new Poison System that can be used by Thieves, Rogue-Based Assassins, and the Black Mask Discipline. All of these attacks must be used from Stealth with the same limitations as the Backstab power.
- Each Poison requires trains in the Backstab Power; Power Rank 40 for Assassins and Thieves and Power Rank 20 for Black Masks.
- Thieves are granted all Poisons at Power Rank 40, Assassins are granted all powers at Power Rank 40, and Black Masks are granted Buchinine, Pellegorn, and Magusbane at Power Rank 20. Each power has a cost of 20 Stamina.
- Buchinine poison inflicts additional melee damage (half of what Backstab can inflict), poisons the target with a disease-based Stamina Damage Over Time effect which does 3% damage of the target's maximum stamina pool every 5 seconds (not modified by Intelligence) and inflicts a Stamina Regeneration Debuff. The duration is 60 seconds on the Stamina DoT for Assassins and Theives and 30 seconds for Black Masks. The Stamina Regen Debuff is -50% with a duration of 31 seconds for Black Masks and -100% with a duration of 60 seconds for Assassins and Thieves.
- Galpa poison inflicts additional melee damage (half of what Backstab can inflict), poisons the target with a -60 Intelligence and Spirit Debuff with a duration of 60 seconds, and a -25 Power Damage Debuff with a duration of 30 seconds.
- Gorgon's Venom poison inflicts additional melee damage (half of what Backstab can inflict), poisons the target with a 40% Attack Speed Debuff that lasts for 60 seconds, and -25% Melee Damage Debuff that lasts for 30 seconds.
- Magusbane poison inflicts additional melee damage (half of what Backstab can inflict), poisons the target with a poison-based Mana Damage Over Time effect which does 3% damage of the target's maximum mana pool every 5 seconds (not modified by Intelligence) and inflicts a Mana Regeneration Debuff. The duration is 60 seconds on the Mana DoT for Assassins and Theives and 30 seconds for Black Masks. The Mana Regen Debuff is -50% with a duration of 31 seconds for Black Masks and -100% with a duration of 60 seconds for Assassins and Thieves.
- Pellegorn poison inflicts additional melee damage (half of what Backstab can inflict), poisons the target with a bleeding-based Health Damage Over Time effect which does 3% damage of the target's maximum health pool every 5 seconds (not modified by Intelligence) and inflicts a Health Regeneration Debuff. The duration is 60 seconds on the Health DoT for Assassins and Theives and 30 seconds for Black Masks. The Health Regen Debuff is -50% with a duration of 31 seconds for Black Masks and -100% with a duration of 60 seconds for Assassins and Thieves.
- Updated Blessed Protection with a casting time of .02 seconds, can be cast while moving, has a duration of 10800 seconds.
- Updated Blessing of Strength with a casting time of .02 seconds, can be cast while moving, has a duration of 10800 seconds, and grants +60 at Power Rank 40. This power is now granted at Power Rank 20.
- Updated Blessing of Health with a casting time of .02 seconds, can be cast while moving, has a duration of 10800 seconds, and grants +60 at Power Rank 40. This power is now granted at Power Rank 20.
- Updated Blessing of Dexterity with a casting time of .02 seconds, can be cast while moving, has a duration of 10800 seconds, and grants +60 at Power Rank 40. This power is now granted at Power Rank 20.
- Updated Prayer of Might to have a duration of 10800 seconds and requirews a Power Rank of 40 in Blesseding of Strength.
- Prayer of Vitality has been updated to have a duration of 10800 seconds and requires a Power Rank of 40 in Blessing of Health.
- Prayer of Agility has been updated to have a duration of 10800 seconds and requires a Power Rank of 40 in Blessing of Dexterity.
- Prayer of Protection has been updated to have a duration of 10800 seconds.
- Modified Shielding to have 30% Crushing, Piercing, and Slashing Resistances and +400 DCV at Power Rank 40.
- Merged the effects of Enfeeblement into Weakening which is now a -20 to -60 Strength and Dexterity Debuff with a duration of 30 to 60 seconds from Power Ranks 0 to 40. This power can be cast while moving.
- Changed Enfeeblement to be a -20 to -60 Intelligence and Spirit Debuff with a duration of 30 to 60 seconds from Power Ranks 0 to 40. This power can be cast while moving.
- Removed the movement penalty on the Defensive Stance.
- Passwall must now be cast from either Hide or Sneak.
- Slayer's Focus can now be cast while stealthed and costs 25 to 65 mana from Power Ranks 0 to 40.
- Updated Chant of the Titans to have a duration of 10800 seconds.
- Updated Canticle of Inspiration to have a duration of 10800 seconds.
- Updated Canticle of Cunning to have a duration of 10800 seconds.
- Updated Ballad of Beregund the Bold to be a personal Movement Buff with an increase of 50% movement speed and a duration of 60 seconds. This power has no cost (0 Mana) and takes 300 seconds to recycle and does not stack with any other movement buffs. This power has been granted at Power Rank 40 for free.
- Mighty Countersong has been changed from a Group Dispel Effect to a Group Dispel Debuff spell.
- Mage-Based Bards have been granted a new power called Anthem of Avoidance at Level 20; which has a casting time of .02 seconds, a maximum duration of 300 seconds, and a recycle timer of 300 seconds. This Damage Absorber absorbs and protects from Crushing, Piercing, and Slashing damage. At Power Rank 40, it will grant +75 resistance and absorbs up to 2000 points of damage for those damage types.
- Flesh of Granite has been modified with a casting time of .02 seconds, a maximum duration of 300 seconds, and a recycle timer of 300 seconds. Mana costs have been reduced to 25. This Damage Absorber absorbs and protects from Crushing, Piercing, and Slashing damage. At Power Rank 40, it will grant +75 resistance and absorbs up to 2000 points of damage for those damage types.
- Flesh of Lead has been modified with a casting time of .02 seconds, a maximum duration of 300 seconds, and a recycle timer of 300 seconds. Mana costs have been reduced to 25. This Damage Absorber absorbs and protects from Cold, Fire, and Lightning damage. At Power Rank 40, it will grant +75 resistance and absorbs up to 2000 points of damage for those damage types.
- Cloak of Transparency now has the same de-aggro effect as Hide and Sneak
- Steadfast Soul has been modified with a casting time of .02 seconds, a maximum duration of 300 seconds, and a recycle timer of 300 seconds. Mana costs have been reduced to 25. This Damage *Absorber absorbs and protects from Crushing, Piercing, and Slashing damage. At Power Rank 40, it will grant +75 resistance and absorbs up to 2000 points of damage for those damage types.
- Confessors have been granted a new power called Fire Ward which has a casting time of .02 seconds, a maximum duration of 300 seconds, a recycle timer of 300 seconds, and costs 25 mana to cast. This is a personal Damage Absorber absorbs and protects from Fire damage. At Power Rank 40, it will grant +75 resistance and absorbs up to 2000 points of damage for that damage type. This power is granted at Power Rank 20.
- Increased the Mage-based Offense Stance to Proficient (30).
- Added a Healing Resistance Debuff to Blight of Throol'hroon Gen'aa so the power now is a Single Target -95% Health and -95% Stamina Recovery Debuff and +30 Healing Resistance Debuff at Power Rank 40.
- Removed Corrupt the Flesh.
- Increased the effects of The Green Death to a -25 Constitution Debuff at Power Rank 40 and added a Constitution Dispel effect to the power.
- Mage-Based Doomsayers have been granted a new power called Halgannon's Armor at Level 20; which has a casting time of .02 seconds, a maximum duration of 300 seconds, and a recycle timer of 300 seconds. This Damage Absorber absorbs and protects from Crushing, Piercing, and Slashing damage. At Power Rank 40, it will grant +75 resistance and absorbs up to 2000 points of damage for those damage types.
- Oaken Flesh has been modified with a casting time of .02 seconds, a maximum duration of 300 seconds, and a recycle timer of 300 seconds. Mana costs have been reduced to 25. This Damage Absorber absorbs and protects from Crushing, Piercing, and Cold damage. At Power Rank 40, it will grant +75 resistance and absorbs up to 2000 points of damage for those damage types.
- Blessing of the Oak has been updated to be a personal Dexterity and Constitution Buff that grants +5 to +25 in both Attributes from Power Rank 0 to 40. This power does stack with Healer (or Bard) Buffs but not with the Blessing of the Grove. This now uses Nature Lore as its Focus Skill.
- Blessing of the Grove has been updated to a personal Intelligence and Spirit Buff that grants +5 to +25 in both Attributes from Power Rank 0 to 40. This power does stack with Wizard (or Bard) Buffs but not with the Blessing of the Oak. This now uses Nature Lore as its Focus Skill.
- Druids are now granted the Sword skill at Level 10 and have been granted Sword Powers at Power Rank 15.
- A new Druid Sword is now available called Nature's Wrath that uses Dexterity and Nature Lore as its focuses.
- Flesh Ward has been modified with a casting time of .02 seconds, a maximum duration of 300 seconds, and a recycle timer of 300 seconds. Mana costs have been reduced to 25. This Damage Absorber absorbs and protects from Crushing, Piercing, and Slashing damage. At Power Rank 40, it will grant +75 resistance and absorbs up to 2500 points of damage for those damage types.
- Furies have been granted a new power called Elemental Ward which has a casting time of .02 seconds, a maximum duration of 300 seconds, a recycle timer of 300 seconds, and costs 25 mana to cast. This is a personal Damage Absorber absorbs and protects from Fire, Cold, and Lightning damage. At Power Rank 40, it will grant +75 resistance and absorbs up to 2000 points of damage for those damage types. This power is granted at Power Rank 20.
- Amazon's Endurance has been modified to be a personal Health and Stamina Recovery Buff. Health and Stamina Recovery increases from 30% to 150% and the duration increases from 20 seconds to 120 seconds from Power Ranks 0 to 40. The recycle timer is 30 seconds.
- Grace of the Panther has been updated to a personal -50% Attack Speed and 50% Melee Damge Buff that grandmasters with one train. The duration of the power is 30 seconds and it has a recycle timer of 300 seconds.
- Strength of the Huntress has been removed.
- The Fighter-Based Offensive Stance has been increased to Power Rank 35.
- Phaedra's Fury has been updated to be a personal Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution Buff that grants +5 to +25 in each Attribute from Power Rank 0 to 40. This power does stack with Healer (or Bard) buffs.
- Modified Phaedra's Chase to have an increase of 55% movement speed enhancement and a duration of 60 seconds. This power has no cost (0 Mana) and takes 300 seconds to recycle and does not stack with any other movement buffs. This power has been granted at Power Rank 40 for free.
- Vashteera's Blessing has been modified to grant a +25 to +50 Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution Bonus (that does stack with Healer or Bard buffs), and a -10% to -25% Attack Speed Buff from Power Ranks 0 to 40. The maximum movement bonus is now set at 30% and no longer stacks with other Movement Buffs.
- The effects of Call of the Wild has been merged with Beast Lord's Boon to be a Pet Only Attack, Damage, Health, and Dodge Buff. Call of the Wild has been removed.
- Cry of Vashteera has been modified to be granted at Power Rank 20.
- Granted Rip, a new power that performs a Bleeding Damage Over Time effect on a target for 30 seconds, costs 10 mana, has a casting time of .2 seconds, and a recycle time of 30 seconds; this Power can only be used while under the effects of Vashteera's Blessing and is granted at Power Rank 40.
- Granted Roar, a new power that boosts the Huntress's Attack Rating by +125 for 60 seconds, costs 10 mana, has a casting time of .2 seconds, and a recycle time of 120 seconds; this Power can only be used while under the effects of Vashteera's Blessing and is granted at Power Rank 40.
- Granted Shred, a new power that reduced a target's defense by -41% for 20 seconds, costs 10 mana, has a casting time of .2 seconds, and a recycle time of 30 seconds; this Power can only be used while under the effects of Vashteera's Blessing and is granted at Power Rank 40.
- Granted Claw, a new power that reduced a target's piercing resistance by -41% for 20 seconds, costs 10 mana, has a casting time of .2 seconds, and a recycle time of 30 seconds; this Power can only be used while under the effects of Vashteera's Blessing and is granted at Power Rank 40.
- Granted Growl, a new power that reduced a target's attack rating by -41% for 20 seconds, costs 10 mana, has a casting time of .2 seconds, and a recycle time of 30 seconds; this Power can only be used while under the effects of Vashteera's Blessing and is granted at Power Rank 40.
- Granted Rend, a new power that reduced a target's movement speed by -41% for 20 seconds, costs 10 mana, has a casting time of .2 seconds, and a recycle time of 30 seconds; this Power can only be used while under the effects of Vashteera's Blessing and is granted at Power Rank 40.
- Mantle of Corpseflesh has been modified to be a personal Damage Absorber with a casting time of .02 seconds, a maximum duration of 300 seconds, and a recycle timer of 300 seconds. Mana costs have been reduced to 25. This Damage Absorber absorbs and protects from Crushing, Piercing, and Slashing damage. At Power Rank 40, it will grant +75 resistance and absorbs up to 2000 points of damage for those damage types.
- Spectre Form now has the same de-aggro effect as Hide and Sneak.
- Reduced the casting time on Censure to 3.5 seconds.
- Reduced the casting time on Saint Lorne's Ire to 4 seconds.
- Updated Prayer of Haste to be a personal Movement Buff with an increase of 50% movement speed and a duration of 60 seconds. This power has no cost (0 Mana) and takes 300 seconds to recycle and does not stack with any other movement buffs. This power has been granted at Power Rank 40 for free.
- Updated Race of the Hare to be a personal Movement Buff with an increase of 55% movement speed and a duration of 60 seconds. This power has no cost (0 Mana) and takes 300 seconds to recycle and does not stack with any other movement buffs. This power no longer breaks on combat and has been granted at Power Rank 40 for free.
- Wolfskin has been modified to have a maximum movement bonus of 30% and no longer stacks with other Movement Buffs.
- Removed Fleet of Foot.
- Granted Rip, a new power that performs a Bleeding Damage Over Time effect on a target for 30 seconds, costs 10 mana, has a casting time of .2 seconds, and a recycle time of 30 seconds; this Power can only be used while under the effects of Wolfskin and is granted at Power Rank 40.
- Granted Howl, a new power that boosts the Ranger's Attack Rating by +125 for 60 seconds, costs 10 mana, has a casting time of .2 seconds, and a recycle time of 120 seconds; this Power can only be used while under the effects of Wolfskin and is granted at Power Rank 40.
- Granted Shred, a new power that reduced a target's defense by -41% for 20 seconds, costs 10 mana, has a casting time of .2 seconds, and a recycle time of 30 seconds; this Power can only be used while under the effects of Wolfskin and is granted at Power Rank 40.
- Granted Claw, a new power that reduced a target's slashing resistance by -41% for 20 seconds, costs 10 mana, has a casting time of .2 seconds, and a recycle time of 30 seconds; this Power can only be used while under the effects of Wolfskin and is granted at Power Rank 40.
- Granted Growl, a new power that reduced a target's attack rating by -41% for 20 seconds, costs 10 mana, has a casting time of .2 seconds, and a recycle time of 30 seconds; this Power can only be used while under the effects of Wolfskin and is granted at Power Rank 40.
- Granted Rend, a new power that reduced a target's movement speed by -41% for 20 seconds, costs 10 mana, has a casting time of .2 seconds, and a recycle time of 30 seconds; this Power can only be used while under the effects of Wolfskin and is granted at Power Rank 40.
- Updated Pathfinding to be a personal Movement Buff with an increase of 60% movement speed and a duration of 60 seconds. This power has no cost (0 Mana) and takes 300 seconds to recycle and does not stack with any other movement buffs. This power no longer breaks on combat and has been granted at Power Rank 40 for free.
- Granted Scouts 50 free trains in the Running skill.
- Shot to the Leg is now a Snare.
- Scouts can now apply the Blade Master Rune.
- Reduced the Attribute Bonuses on Wings of the Seraphim to be +50 each at Power Rank 40.
- Coughing Gas is a Point Blank Area of Effect poison that reduces the OCV and DCV of anyone within 30 units of the caster by -35%. This effect is caster (not group) friendly, has a duration of 30 seconds, a casting time of .02 seconds, a recycle timer of 120 seconds. This power is granted at Power Rank 1.
- Updated Retreat with an increase of 55% movement speed and a duration of 60 seconds. This power has no cost (0 Mana) and takes 300 seconds to recycle and does not stack with any other movement buffs. This power no longer breaks on combat and has been granted at Power Rank 40 for free.
- Changed the icon used for the Peek Power.
- Peek can no longer be used in Safeholds and other non-PvP areas
- Psychic Shield has been modified with a casting time of .02 seconds, a maximum duration of 300 seconds, and a recycle timer of 300 seconds. Mana costs have been reduced to 25. This Damage Absorber absorbs and protects from Crushing, Piercing, and Slashing damage. At Power Rank 40, it will grant +75 resistance and absorbs up to 2500 points of damage for those damage types.
- Warlocks have been granted a new power called Mental Shield which has a casting time of .02 seconds, a maximum duration of 300 seconds, a recycle timer of 300 seconds, and costs 25 mana to cast. This is a personal Damage Absorber absorbs and protects from Mental damage. At Power Rank 40, it will grant +75 resistance and absorbs up to 2000 points of damage for that damage type. This power is granted at Power Rank 20.
- Mind and Body One has been updated to a personal Strength, Dexterity, and Constitition Buff that grants +5 to +25 in each Attribute from Power Rank 0 to 40. This power does stack with Healer (or Bard) buffs but not with Free Thought.
- Free Thought has been updated to a personal Intelligence, Spirit, and Constitution buff that grants +5 to +25 in each Attribute from Power Rank 0 to 40. This power does stack with Wizard (or Bard) buffs but not with Mind and Body One.
- Increased the healing effects gained in Psychic Healing as the power is ranked up.
- Decreased the recycle timer on Mental Projection to be from 30 minutes to 10 minutes from *Power Ranks 0 to 40 instead of 60 minutes to 30 minutes.
- Changed the Recycle Timer on Dull the Mind and and Dull the Body to 10 seconds and the secondary Regeneration Debuff effects have been reduced to 95% at Power Rank 40.
- Psychic Shout is now a ranged Area of Effect spell with a maximum of 120 units casting range.
- Charm of Protection has been modified with a casting time of .02 seconds, a maximum duration of 300 seconds, and a recycle timer of 300 seconds. Mana costs have been reduced to 25. This Damage Absorber absorbs and protects from Crushing, Piercing, and Slashing damage. At Power Rank 40, it will grant +75 resistance and absorbs up to 2000 points of damage for those damage types.
- Wizards have been granted a new power called Magic Ward which has a casting time of .02 seconds, a maximum duration of 300 seconds, a recycle timer of 300 seconds, and costs 25 mana to cast. This is a personal Damage Absorber absorbs and protects from Magic damage. At Power Rank 40, it will grant +75 resistance and absorbs up to 2000 points of damage for that damage type. This power is granted at Power Rank 20.
- Conjure Familiar is now granted at Power Rank 20.
- Charm of Illumination is now granted at Level 10 and requires Wizardy Skill (20), has a casting time of .02 seconds, can be cast while moving, has a duration of 10800 seconds, and grants +60 at Power Rank 40. This power is now granted at Power Rank 20 and does not stack with *Bard Buffs or Incantation of Illumination.
- Incantation of Illumination has been updated to be granted at Level 30 and requires Wizardry Skill (80) and Power Rank 40 for Charm of Illumination. The power grants +20 to +60 *Intelligence and Spirit from Power Ranks 0 to 40 and has a duration of 10800 seconds but does not stack with Bard Buffs or Charm of Illumination.
- Cloak of Obscurity now has the same de-aggro effect as Hide and Sneak.
- Shot to the Leg is now considered a Snare.
- Crimson Feast now drains 10 to 25 health from a target with 40% to 100% efficiency from Power Ranks 0 to 20.
Blade Master
- Scouts can now apply the Blade Master Rune.
Black Mask
- Passwall must now be cast from either Sneak or Hide.
Blood Horn
- Modified Blood Hooves to have an increase from 10% to 25% in momement speed. This power does not stack with other Movement Buffs.
- Removed Forced March.
- Blight of Chaos now has an efficiency of 100% at Power Rank 20.
Forge Master
- Changed the recycle timer on Lore of the Forge to 0.0 seconds.
- The Blood is the Life now drains 10 to 25 health from a target with 40% to 100% efficiency from Power Ranks 0 to 20.
Rat Catcher
- Modified Plague to have a casting time of 1 second, a recycle timer of 60 seconds, a duration of 60 seconds, and a -50% to -100% Health Recovery Debuff from Power Ranks 0 to 20.
- Changed Beorc Rune to be a Personal +10 to +25 Cold, Fire, and Lightning Resistance Buff from Power Ranks 0 to 20.
- Changed Eolh Rune to be a Personal +10 to +25 Magic Resistance Buff from Power Ranks 0 to 20.
- Changed Man Rune to be a Personal +10 to +25 Mental Resistance Buff from Power Ranks 0 to 20.
- Changed casting time on the Nyth Rune to 2.5 seconds and adjusted the range of healing so as not to be greater than the Healer's Blessed Mending spell.
- Changed Ur Rune to be a Personal +10 to +25 Strength Buff from Power Ranks 0 to 20. This does stack with Healer (or Bard) buffs.
- Balefume has been modified to a 5% to 25% Healing Resistance Buff and -10% to -50% Health *Regeneration Debuff from Power Ranks 0 to 40. The Snare Effect now lasts for 10 seconds from Power Ranks 0 to 40.
- Aracoix Warlocks are now allowed to apply the Sky Dancer rune.
- Feral Fury has been updated to have a duration of 1 second to 30 seconds from Power Ranks 0 to 20.
- Removed all restrictions from the Traveler Discipline; all Races and Professions can now apply it.
- All Traveler Powers are granted at Power Rank 4 so they only have to be trained once each to be used.
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Previous Version: | Patch 13.5 | ![]() |
Next Version: | Patch 18 |