Warlock Builds
Below, you will find a selection of user-created character templates for Warlocks. Character templates are battle-tested methods for building your character, but do not guarantee success and depend mostly on one's style of play.
Defensive Warlock (Deflock)
By Rewen
Author's Comments
This template is optimized for defense, but has decent offensive capability as well. It is mostly meant for banes. With simple 8-defense MA gear, I have 2030 defense at level 60, so it's probably much nicer with resource gear.
By Rewen 05:05, 25 Jan 2008 (EST)
(First, take 5 points from all. Apply following runes, and then add leftovers to Intelligence.)
Knight's Squire, Lucky, Tough as Nails
Stat Runes:
- Intelligence of the Gods (+40 Max Intelligence)
- Amazing Constitution (+15 Max Constitution)
Discipline Rune:
Blade Master, Traveler, Bounty Hunter
- 2x Double Int rings and amulet (+20 or +24 Intelligence)
- Medium Armor
- Boots: Warlock Munitions
- Gloves: 8 Defese, 10 Dexterity or 9 Defense 12 Dexterity
- Leggings, Armguards, Hauberk, Helm: 8 Defense, 40 HP or 9 Defense, 45 HP
- Weapon: Legendary Psiblade of the Mentalist, or Peerless Psiblade of the Mentalist
- Shield: Impenetrable shield of Defense (+25 Defense, +3 Block), or Vorgrim Legionnaire's Shield (+26 Defense, +3 Block)
Ability Points:
- Dexterity: All leftover points.
- Intelligence: 150
- Constitution: 110
- Strength: No points added.
- Spirit: No points added.
Point Spread
As a Shade Fighter, you will receive a total of 580 training points for use with skills and powers. Use them thusly:
Skill Points:
- Warlockery: 120%
- Medium Armor: 140%
- Sword: 100%
- Block: 95%
Training Points:
- Hide: 1
- Recall to Runegate: 1
- Mind Strike: 40
- Psychic Shout: 40
- Shatter Will: 40
- Danger Sense: 40
- Free Thought: 40
- Psychic Heal: 40
- Break Enchantment: 40
- Dull the Mind: 20
- Dull the Body: 20
- Surpass Limits: 5
- Needs of the One: 1
- Ignore the Old Order: 1
- Psychic Shield: 1
- Mind Snare: 1
Resist-Specced Mage Lock
By Rewen
Author's Comments
This is one of my favorite builds. It uses a lot of resist gear and does require stance-dancing but it is very effective in solo PVP and has a valuable role in GvG as well. This template was made for post patch 22. I excluded snares because I do not see 30% as being usable and I rarely chase people because that is just a nice way to burn stam. It is too easy for rogues and mages to get away by running so since you have no dots, really there's not much you can do to stop them.
Since you don't get stealth there is no reason not to keep yourself pre-stunned. Keep yourself in defensive stance at all times you are not engaged in combat. This way you will have the upper hand in ambushes. I've had wizards cast their DoT on me and nuke, then realize their damage is terrible and just translocate away.
The instant-cast debuffs are what make this template great. In GVG, you can hinder and entire group's survivability by debuffing the intelligence and spirit of their priest by 110. That will pretty much kill their heals and make them run OOM very fast. In solo PVP, debuffing a proccer's intelligence with give them procs in the single or double digits and knock their defense down by a couple hundred, throw in a strength/dex debuff (which you can reduce by 71), they may as well be blinded.
Defense-wise, this template holds its own better than any other mage. With GM shielding, resist armor, and 1 point in the DA you will have almost maxxed out physical resists, which do not matter much being someone with flight, but also your spell resists in O-Stance are great. Even if you couldn't dispell most dots with skirmish counterspell and all drains with break enchantment.
By Rewen 21:40, 9 March 2008 (EDT)
(First, take 5 points from all. Apply following runes, and then add leftovers to Intelligence)
Brilliant Mind, Changeling, Iron Will, Precise, Stormborn, Wizard's Apprentice
Stat Runes:
- Intelligence of the Gods (+40 Max Intelligence)
- Amazing Constitution (+15 Max Constitution)
Discipline Rune:
Battle Magus, Traveler (Optional)
- 2x Resist of Intelligence (+30 Resist and +10 or +12 Intelligence)
- Charmed of Intelligence Amulet (+20 cold, fire, lightning resistance and +10 or +12 Intelligence)
- Cloth Armor
- Boots: Beast Hide Warlock Cloth boots of the Windlords
- Gloves: Beast Hide Warlock Cloth of Stoneskin
- Leggins, Armguards, Vest: Truewoven of Stoneskin
- Diamond Fiend Skullcap
- Weapon: Warlord's of Warlockery Journeyman staff
Ability Points:
- Dexterity: 0
- Intelligence: 190
- Constitution: 100
- Strength: 0
- Spirit: 37
Point Spread
As a Nephilim Mage, you will receive a total of 640 training points for use with skills and powers. Use them thusly:
Skill Points:
- Warlockery: 155%
- Warding: 40
- Sorcery: No points added
Training Points:
- Enfeeblement: 20
- Weakening: 1
- Spectral Bonds: 10
- Stun: 40
- Shielding: 40
- Skirmish Counterspell: 40
- Mind Strike: 40
- Psychic Shout: 40 (for GvG only)
- Shatter Will: 40
- Danger Sense: 1
- Free Thought: 40
- Psychic Heal: 40
- Break Enchantment: 40
- Dull the Mind: 40
- Dull the Body: 40
- Surpass Limits: 5
- Needs of the One: 10
- Ignore the Old Order: 40
- Psychic Shield: 1
- Hypnotic Gaze: 1