Divine Favor
Divine Favor has been flagged as being part of a known bug. Please see Known Issues if you experience any inconsistencies before reporting a bug. |
“ | Long have the peoples of Aerynth have looked to the Gods for guidance, but their prayers have gone unheeded. At last some of the Lost Gods stir again, and new demi-gods offer their favor to the scattered nations of the Age of Strife. Which would-be God will they follow? New altars arise in the cities, and quests have begun for the precious treasures the Gods demand as offerings. The peoples of Aerynth look to Gods new and old; how will the rise of the Upstart Gods reshape the shattered fragments of Aerynth? |
” |
- Rise of the Upstart Gods
Divine favor is an in-game mechanic designed to grant special buffs to individuals if they meet specific class and race criteria. The Divine favor system was added to the game in the Rise of the Upstart Gods patch on March 17th 2003.
[hide]How It Works
Guild masters may choose to erect a shrine to a particular creed associated with a race and/or class by purchasing the necessary building deed from a builder (See the Shrines article). A city may have a maximum of three shrines, no two of which can be the same. The city who has the most favor with their creed may receive the best boon. In order to receive boons, the shrine requires a hireling called a Votary, purchasable from a steward.
Gaining Favor
“ | Greetings, seeker. I am a Votary, fashioned by the Awakeners to serve this sacred Shrine. Render unto me offerings sacred to your faith, and I shall serve as a conduit of blessings from the Higher Realms! |
” |
- Votary
While playing, a player may come across items of importance to the lore of their race or class called offerings. If that player visits the appropriate shrine, he or she may give the offering in tribute, which will give the hosting city favor. Each offering has a list of creeds and a corresponding number value. This value indicates the amount of favor they are worth to that shrine when sacrificed.
Using Favor
To receive the boon of a creed, the player must speak to the Votary NPC. Only players in the same nation and who are compatible with the shrine may use it. For instance, an Irekei Bard may only use an Irekei Shrine or a Bard Shrine.Each time a player receives a buff from a shrine, they spend one divine favor. Monitoring and managing divine favor points is important because the buff you receive changes depending on how "favored" you are with the race or class shrine. For this reason, a guild message is announced whenever a player accepts a boon. Players may also open an interface when speaking to the shrine's Votary to see which guilds have the top favor scores for each shrine type.
In addition to receiving buffs from shrines, the two leading shrines of each shrine type will 10% of their standing each day. This is to ensure that newer guilds can always compete in the system.
The buffs granted by shrines are powerful and can last between one and two hours. They cannot be removed by any means except player death, expiration, or being overwritten by a more powerful boon.
The following is a list of boons a first place Shrine will grant a player who meets its race or class requirement.
Racial Boons
Class | Effect |
Aelfborn | 15 Magic Resistance, +10% All Attributes |
Aracoix | 15 Piercing Resistance, +10% All Attributes |
Centaur | 15 Cold Resistance, +10% All Attributes |
Dwarf | Damage Shield (Crushing, 50), +10% All Attributes |
Elf | 5 Cold, Fire, & Lightning Resistance, +10% All Attributes |
Half Giant | 5 Crushing, Piercing, & Slashing Resistance, +10% All Attributes |
Human | 5 Holy, Magic, & Mental Resistance, +15% All Attributes |
Irekei | 15 Poison Resistance, +10% All Attributes |
Minotaur | 15 Cold Resistance, +10% All Attributes |
Nephilim | 15 Mental Resistance, +10% All Attributes |
Shade | 15 Cold Resistance, +10% All Attributes |
Vampire | +30 Bloodcraft Skill, +10% All Attributes |
Class Boons
Class | Skill Points Granted | Stamina Recovery | Mana Recovery | Additional Effects |
Assassin | 30 Shadowmastery, 5 Dagger, 5 Sword, 5 Staff | 15% | 15% | |
Barbarian | 30 Sword, Axe, Hammer, Dagger, Pole Arm | 30% | 0% | |
Bard | 15 Bardsong, Staff, Sword, Dagger | 15% | 15% | |
Channeler | 30 Channeling | 0% | 30% | |
Confessor | 30 Thaumaturgy | 0% | 15% | 75 Attack Rating |
Crusader | 30 Liturgy | 0% | 30% | |
Doomsayer | 30 Corruption | 0% | 0% | 150 Attack Rating |
Druid | 30 Nature Lore | 0% | 0% | 75 Attack & Defense Rating |
Fury | 30 Stormcalling | 15% | 15% | |
Huntress | 20 Way of the Gaana, Axe, Spear, Bow | 15% | 0% | |
Necromancer | 30 Necromancy | 0% | 0% | 75 Attack Rating, +1% Movement Speed |
Nightstalker | 20 Exorcism, Crossbow, Dagger, Sword, Unarmed Combat | 0% | 15% | |
Prelate | 30 Liturgy | 0% | 30% | |
Priest | 30 Restoration | 0% | 0% | 150 Defense |
Ranger | 20 Beastcraft, Sword, Bow, Staff, Dagger | 0% | 30% | |
Scout | 30 Dagger, Bow, Sword, Staff | 30% | 0% | |
Sentinel | 30 Abjuration | 0% | 15% | 5% Power Damage |
Templar | 30 Thaumaturgy | 15% | 15% | |
Thief | 30 Light Armor | 0% | 0% | 75 Defense, +1% Attack Speed |
Warlock | 20 Warlockry, Sword, Staff, Dagger | 0% | 20% | |
Warrior | 30 Bow, Crossbow, Dagger, Hammer, Pole Arm, Spear, Staff, Sword | 0% | 15% | 30 Stamina |
Wizard | 30 Sorcery | 0% | 0% | 75 Defense, 5% Movement Speed |
Destroying Shrines
City leaders are able to destroy their shrine, as they can with other city buildings. However, once a shrine is destroyed, any favor spent on that shrine is lost.
Following a bane, a shrine can only be destroyed by an enemy if the tree of life protecting it is destroyed. Once the shrine is in a 'destroyed' state, anyone near it can double click the rubble to receive a corresponding number of "super offerings". These offerings will be 'generic' offerings that can be offered at any shrine. There are no limitations on who can loot a destroyed shrine.