Glass Weapon
Glass weapons are special weapons that can only be found on mob drops in hot zones, or on epic encounters. Glass weapons uniformly feature an increased attack rating bonus that is higher then any other available at a value of 175, a third-tier weapon proc enchantment, and require 110% skill for their use. The catch is that these weapons have low durability, and may be destroyed if their wielder does not repair them after each death.
Each weapon type, (including Blade Weaver Tlanarion swords and Blade Master Long Blade) has a glass counterpart, which is rendered in the shape of a resource-crafted weapon, but has a blue blade or attacking edge (to make it look as if it were glass).
List of Glass Weapons and Proc Types
- Glass Axe:
- Glass Great Axe:
- Glass Throwing Axe:
- Glass Bow: fire damage proc
- Glass Crossbow:
- Glass Dagger: poison DoT proc
- Glass Throwing Dagger: poison DoT proc
- Glass Hammer:
- Glass Great Hammer:
- Glass Throwing Hammer:
- Glass Long Blade:
- Glass Pole Arm:
- Glass Spear:
- Glass Staff: stamina damage proc
- Glass Sword:
- Glass Great Sword:
- Glass Tlanarion Sword: magic damage proc
- Glass Unarmed Weapon: magic damage proc
Patch History
- Glass weapons were added to the game in patch 10; December 14th, 2005.