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The mystic arts are not forgotten here, good patron! Mystic talismans, powerful scrolls, and magical trinkets I have to sell, and will gladly buy any you might carry.

- Sage

Enchantments are magic effects that can be applied to weapons, armor, and jewelry through random rolling, resource crafting or found randomly on mob corpses.

Item Crafting Basics

Creating equipment with a player-owned NPC is called rolling. When crafting in this way, a player can choose to use random rolling or formula rolling. With random rolling, a player only chooses the base item that is created; all magical effects are randomized. Formula rolling allows a player to choose the specific enchantments applied.

Time and Cost

Rolling time varies based on the rank of the NPC and the forge they reside in. However, if a player has Mithril (Mithril) in their warehouse, rolling will consume one unit and become near-instant.

Depending on the base item and enchantments selected, an item will cost a specific amount of gold and resources (as listed below). Random rolling is typically cheaper than formula rolling but will take much more time to find an ideal item, and will never produce expansion-tier enchantments (see below).

Tier Two =


Enchantment Effect Cost
Amethyst Agate x1
Angrim Agate x1
Anointed Agate x1
Aquamarine Agate x1
Archaic Agate x1
Astral Agate x1
Basilisk's Agate x1
Bloodstone Agate x1
Bronzewood Agate x1
Engraved Agate x1
Fortified Agate x1
General's Agate x1
Guardian's Agate x1
Heartwood Agate x1
Hero's Agate x1
Immaculate Agate x1
Imperial Agate x1
Impervious Agate x1
Intricate Agate x1
Mage's Agate x1
Masterwork Agate x1
Messenger's Agate x1
Pearl Agate x1
Priest's Agate x1
Profane Agate x1
Rawhide Agate x1
Royal Agate x1
Ruby Agate x1
Sapphire Agate x1
Scribed Agate x1
Serpentine Agate x1
Tenacious Agate x1
Terrible Agate x1
Thunderous Agate x1
Topaz Agate x1
Truethread Agate x1
Uncanny Agate x1
Unyielding Agate x1
Warded Agate x1
Wicked Agate x1
Winter Agate x1 x1
Wyrmkin's Agate x1


Tier Three


Enchantment Effect Cost Qty.
Abomination's Bronzewood x30 Diamond x20 Mandrake x40 Obsidian x10
Acolyte's gold only
Adamant Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
Adamant gold only
Aegis Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Aegline gold only
Alder gold only
Alloyed gold only
Amber Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Oak x20
Amethyst Agate x1
Ancient gold only
Angrim Agate x1
Anointed Agate x1
Anomani gold only
Antique gold only
Apostate's Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Mandrake x20
Apprentice's gold only
Aquamarine Agate x1
Archaic Agate x1
Archmage's Antimony x10 Coal x20
Ardani gold only
Astral Agate x1
Avatar's Adamant x10 Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
Barbaric gold only
Baron's Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
Basilisk's Agate x1
Beast Hide Adamant x20 Antimony x20 Coal x40 Diamond x20 Obsidian x5
Believer's gold only
Blessed gold only
Bloodstone Agate x1
Bodyguard's gold only
Boned Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10 Sulfur x10
Bowman's gold only
Bronzewood Agate x1
Brutal gold only
Burnished gold only
Captain's gold only
Carlind gold only
Carnelian Adamant x20 Antimony x20 Azoth x20 Coal x40 Obsidian x10
Centipede's gold only
Centurion's gold only
Chalcedony Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Bronzewood x15 Sulfur x10
Champion's gold only
Charmed Antimony x20 Coal x40 Diamond x20 Quicksilver x20 Sulfur x20
Chrysoberyl Adamant x20 Azoth x20 Bronzewood x30 Obsidian x10 Sulfur x20
Cobra's Bronzewood x30 Diamond x20 Obsidian x10 Onyx x20
Colonel's gold only
Comfortable gold only
Commander's gold only
Conjurer's gold only
Conqueror's Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
Consecrated gold only
Convert's gold only
Count's gold only
Crackling Tier 1 Lightning Proc Iron x20 Quicksilver x10 Sulfur x10
Cured gold only
Custodian's gold only
Cynic's gold only
Dauntless gold only
Deadly Iron x40 Obsidian x20 Orichalk x40 Sulfur x20
Defiant gold only
Denseweave gold only
Devout gold only
Diamond Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Mandrake x20 Oak x20
Dissenting gold only
Doublestitched Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10
Dragonbone Azoth x20 Bronzewood x30 Mandrake x40 Obsidian x10
Durable gold only
Dwarvish Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Elder gold only
Eldritch gold only
Elemental gold only
Emerald Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Azoth x10 Coal x20
Emperor's Iron x40 Obsidian x20 Orichalk x40 Sulfur x20
Enduring gold only
Englamored Bronzewood x30 Diamond x20 Mandrake x40 Obsidian x10
Engraved Agate x1
Etched gold only
Eternal gold only
Ethereal Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Mandrake x20
Ethyrian gold only
Exalted Azoth x20 Mandrake x40 Oak x40 Obsidian x10
Expert's gold only
Facetted gold only
Fearsome gold only
Featherweight gold only
Fell Coal x20 Onyx x10
Ferocious gold only
Fiery Tier 1 Fire Proc Coal x20 Iron x20 Sulfur x10
Fine gold only
Fire Agate gold only
Forged Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10
Fortified Agate x1
Frykka's Antimony x20 Coal x40 Diamond x20 Obsidian x10
Fury's gold only
Garnet gold only
General's Agate x1
Granite Adamant x20 Azoth x20 Bronzewood x30 Obsidian x10
Graven gold only
Greatwyrm's Coal x20 Diamond x10 Sulfur x10
Guardian's Agate x1
Gwendannor gold only
Haliodor Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Bronzewood x15 Sulfur x10
Hallowed Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Onyx x10
Hammered gold only
Hand-stitched gold only
Hardened Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Diamond x10
Hardened gold only
Hardwood gold only
Hardy gold only
Harmonious gold only
Harrandi gold only
Heartwood Agate x1
Heavy gold only
Heimnir's Coal x20 Diamond x10 Quicksilver x10
Helldrake's Coal x40 Diamond x20 Obsidian x10 Sulfur x20
Hematite Adamant x20 Azoth x20 Coal x40 Obsidian x10 Quicksilver x20
Hero's Agate x1
Herrogar's gold only
Hickory gold only
High Priest's Coal x20 Mandrake x20
Holtzen gold only
Iceborn Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10
Icy Tier 1 Cold Proc Antimony x10 Coal x20 Iron x20 Sulfur x10
Illuminated gold only
Immaculate Agate x1
Impenetrable Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Imperial Agate x1
Imperturbable Coal x40 Diamond x20 Obsidian x10 Quicksilver x20
Impervious Agate x1
Indomitable Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Inscribed Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Intractable Coal x20 Diamond x10 Quicksilver x10
Intricate Agate x1
Invincible Antimony x20 Obsidian x5 Orichalk x40 Truesteel x40
Irekei gold only
Irydnu gold only
Ivory Azoth x10 Bronzewood x15 Mandrake x20
Jacinth Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Orichalk x20
Jade Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Bronzewood x15
Jagged gold only
Kenaryn's Adamant x20 Azoth x20 Obsidian x10 Orichalk x40
King's gold only
Knight's gold only
Lacquered gold only
Lapis Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Coal x20 Quicksilver x10
Lashava's gold only
Layered gold only
Legendary Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Quicksilver x10 Sulfur x10
Legionnaire's gold only
Lethal Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
Lightened gold only
Lightforged gold only
Lucky gold only
Mage's Agate x1
Mahogany gold only
Malachite Adamant x20 Azoth x20 Bronzewood x30 Obsidian x10 Sulfur x20
Manticore's Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Onyx x10
Marathon Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Orichalk x20
Massive Tier 1 Stamina Proc Adamant x10 Iron x20 Sulfur x10
Masterwork Agate x1
Mercenary's gold only
Messenger's Agate x1
Mithril gold only
Mithril Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Moonstone gold only
Morloch's Coal x40 Iron x40 Obsidian x20 Sulfur x20
Myrmidon's gold only
Mystic gold only
Noble's gold only
Northern gold only
Notable gold only
Oaken gold only
Opal gold only
Ornamented Antimony x20 Obsidian x10 Orichalk x40 Truesteel x40
Outstanding gold only
Pearl Agate x1
Peerless gold only
Peerless Iron x40 Obsidian x20 Orichalk x40 Quicksilver x20 Sulfur x20
Phantom gold only
Precise gold only
Pressed gold only
Priest's Agate x1
Primal Azoth x10 Mandrake x20 Oak x20
Profane Agate x1
Protector's gold only
Radiant gold only
Rare gold only
Rawhide Agate x1
Regal gold only
Reinforced gold only
Resilient gold only
Resolute gold only
Riveted gold only
Robust gold only
Royal Agate x1
Ruby Agate x1
Rugged gold only
Runed Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Mandrake x20 Oak x20
Ruthless gold only
Sacred Bronzewood x30 Diamond x20 Obsidian x10 Onyx x20
Saedrium gold only
Sanctified Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10 Quicksilver x10 Sulfur x10
Sanded gold only
Sapphire Agate x1
Savage Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
Scorched gold only
Scorpion's gold only
Scribed Agate x1
Sentinel's Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Sergeant's gold only
Serpent's gold only
Serpentine Agate x1
Shiny gold only
Shocking gold only
Skeptic's gold only
Soldier's gold only
Solid gold only
Spectral gold only
Squallborn gold only
Squire's gold only
Stalwart gold only
Staunch gold only
Steadfast gold only
Steel gold only
Stiff gold only
Stinging gold only
Stitched gold only
Stoic gold only
Stormborn Coal x40 Diamond x20 Obsidian x10 Quicksilver x20
Stout gold only
Sturdy gold only
Sunstone gold only
Tailored gold only
Tanned gold only
Taripontor gold only
Tempered gold only
Tenacious Agate x1
Terrible Agate x1
Thunderous Agate x1
Tightweave gold only
Titanium gold only
Tooled gold only
Topaz Agate x1
Tough gold only
Toughened gold only
Tourmaline gold only
Tranquil gold only
Treated gold only
Trueforged Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10
Trueshaped Adamant x20 Antimony x20 Coal x40 Diamond x20 Obsidian x5
Truesilver gold only
Truesteel gold only
Truesteel gold only
Truethread Agate x1
Truewoven Antimony x20 Coal x40 Diamond x20 Sulfur x20 Obsidian x5
Truewrought Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Trusty gold only
Tuned gold only
Uncanny Agate x1
Uncommon gold only
Unshakable gold only
Unyielding Agate x1
Vanguard's gold only
Vengeful gold only
Vicious gold only
Volliandrum gold only
Warded Agate x1
Warlord's Coal x20 Iron x20 Sulfur x10
Watchman's gold only
Well-honed gold only
Well-Made gold only
Wicked Agate x1
Winter Agate x1
Woven gold only
Wrought Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10
Wyrmkin's Agate x1
Wyrmslayer's gold only
Yew gold only
Yglandor Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10


Enchantment Effect Cost Qty.
Abomination's Bronzewood x30 Diamond x20 Mandrake x40 Obsidian x10
Acolyte's gold only
Adamant Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
Adamant gold only
Aegis Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Aegline gold only
Alder gold only
Alloyed gold only
Amber Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Oak x20
Amethyst Agate x1
Ancient gold only
Angrim Agate x1
Anointed Agate x1
Anomani gold only
Antique gold only
Apostate's Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Mandrake x20
Apprentice's gold only
Aquamarine Agate x1
Archaic Agate x1
Archmage's Antimony x10 Coal x20
Ardani gold only
Astral Agate x1
Avatar's Adamant x10 Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
Barbaric gold only
Baron's Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
Basilisk's Agate x1
Beast Hide Adamant x20 Antimony x20 Coal x40 Diamond x20 Obsidian x5
Believer's gold only
Blessed gold only
Bloodstone Agate x1
Bodyguard's gold only
Boned Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10 Sulfur x10
Bowman's gold only
Bronzewood Agate x1
Brutal gold only
Burnished gold only
Captain's gold only
Carlind gold only
Carnelian Adamant x20 Antimony x20 Azoth x20 Coal x40 Obsidian x10
Centipede's gold only
Centurion's gold only
Chalcedony Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Bronzewood x15 Sulfur x10
Champion's gold only
Charmed Antimony x20 Coal x40 Diamond x20 Quicksilver x20 Sulfur x20 Obsidian x10
Chrysoberyl Adamant x20 Azoth x20 Bronzewood x30 Obsidian x10 Sulfur x20
Cobra's Bronzewood x30 Diamond x20 Obsidian x10 Onyx x20
Colonel's gold only
Comfortable gold only
Commander's gold only
Conjurer's gold only
Conqueror's Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
Consecrated gold only
Convert's gold only
Count's gold only
Crackling Tier 1 Lightning Proc Iron x20 Quicksilver x10 Sulfur x10
Cured gold only
Custodian's gold only
Cynic's gold only
Dauntless gold only
Deadly Iron x40 Obsidian x20 Orichalk x40 Sulfur x20
Defiant gold only
Denseweave gold only
Devout gold only
Diamond Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Mandrake x20 Oak x20
Dissenting gold only
Doublestitched Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10
Dragonbone Azoth x20 Bronzewood x30 Mandrake x40 Obsidian x10
Durable gold only
Dwarvish Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Elder gold only
Eldritch gold only
Elemental gold only
Emerald Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Azoth x10 Coal x20
Emperor's Iron x40 Obsidian x20 Orichalk x40 Sulfur x20
Enduring gold only
Englamored Bronzewood x30 Diamond x20 Mandrake x40 Obsidian x10
Engraved Agate x1
Etched gold only
Eternal gold only
Ethereal Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Mandrake x20
Ethyrian gold only
Exalted Azoth x20 Mandrake x40 Oak x40 Obsidian x10
Expert's gold only
Facetted gold only
Fearsome gold only
Featherweight gold only
Fell Coal x20 Onyx x10
Ferocious gold only
Fiery Tier 1 Fire Proc Coal x20 Iron x20 Sulfur x10
Fine gold only
Fire Agate gold only
Forged Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10
Fortified Agate x1
Frykka's Antimony x20 Coal x40 Diamond x20 Obsidian x10
Fury's gold only
Garnet gold only
General's Agate x1
Granite Adamant x20 Azoth x20 Bronzewood x30 Obsidian x10
Graven gold only
Greatwyrm's Coal x20 Diamond x10 Sulfur x10
Guardian's Agate x1
Gwendannor gold only
Haliodor Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Bronzewood x15 Sulfur x10
Hallowed Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Onyx x10
Hammered gold only
Hand-stitched gold only
Hardened Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Diamond x10
Hardened gold only
Hardwood gold only
Hardy gold only
Harmonious gold only
Harrandi gold only
Heartwood Agate x1
Heavy gold only
Heimnir's Coal x20 Diamond x10 Quicksilver x10
Helldrake's Coal x40 Diamond x20 Obsidian x10 Sulfur x20
Hematite Adamant x20 Azoth x20 Coal x40 Obsidian x10 Quicksilver x20
Hero's Agate x1
Herrogar's gold only
Hickory gold only
High Priest's Coal x20 Mandrake x20
Holtzen gold only
Iceborn Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10
Icy Tier 1 Cold Proc Antimony x10 Coal x20 Iron x20 Sulfur x10
Illuminated gold only
Immaculate Agate x1
Impenetrable Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Imperial Agate x1
Imperturbable Coal x40 Diamond x20 Obsidian x10 Quicksilver x20
Impervious Agate x1
Indomitable Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Inscribed Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Intractable Coal x20 Diamond x10 Quicksilver x10
Intricate Agate x1
Invincible Antimony x20 Obsidian x5 Orichalk x40 Truesteel x40
Irekei gold only
Irydnu gold only
Ivory Azoth x10 Bronzewood x15 Mandrake x20
Jacinth Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Orichalk x20
Jade Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Bronzewood x15
Jagged gold only
Kenaryn's Adamant x20 Azoth x20 Obsidian x10 Orichalk x40
King's gold only
Knight's gold only
Lacquered gold only
Lapis Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Coal x20 Quicksilver x10
Lashava's gold only
Layered gold only
Legendary Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Quicksilver x10 Sulfur x10
Legionnaire's gold only
Lethal Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
Lightened gold only
Lightforged gold only
Lucky gold only
Mage's Agate x1
Mahogany gold only
Malachite Adamant x20 Azoth x20 Bronzewood x30 Obsidian x10 Sulfur x20
Manticore's Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Onyx x10
Marathon Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Orichalk x20
Massive Tier 1 Stamina Proc Adamant x10 Iron x20 Sulfur x10
Masterwork Agate x1
Mercenary's gold only
Messenger's Agate x1
Mithril gold only
Mithril Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Moonstone gold only
Morloch's Coal x40 Iron x40 Obsidian x20 Sulfur x20
Myrmidon's gold only
Mystic gold only
Noble's gold only
Northern gold only
Notable gold only
Oaken gold only
Opal gold only
Ornamented Antimony x20 Obsidian x10 Orichalk x40 Truesteel x40
Outstanding gold only
Pearl Agate x1
Peerless gold only
Peerless Iron x40 Obsidian x20 Orichalk x40 Quicksilver x20 Sulfur x20
Phantom gold only
Precise gold only
Pressed gold only
Priest's Agate x1
Primal Azoth x10 Mandrake x20 Oak x20
Profane Agate x1
Protector's gold only
Radiant gold only
Rare gold only
Rawhide Agate x1
Regal gold only
Reinforced gold only
Resilient gold only
Resolute gold only
Riveted gold only
Robust gold only
Royal Agate x1
Ruby Agate x1
Rugged gold only
Runed Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Mandrake x20 Oak x20
Ruthless gold only
Sacred Bronzewood x30 Diamond x20 Obsidian x10 Onyx x20
Saedrium gold only
Sanctified Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10 Quicksilver x10 Sulfur x10
Sanded gold only
Sapphire Agate x1
Savage Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
Scorched gold only
Scorpion's gold only
Scribed Agate x1
Sentinel's Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Sergeant's gold only
Serpent's gold only
Serpentine Agate x1
Shiny gold only
Shocking gold only
Skeptic's gold only
Soldier's gold only
Solid gold only
Spectral gold only
Squallborn gold only
Squire's gold only
Stalwart gold only
Staunch gold only
Steadfast gold only
Steel gold only
Stiff gold only
Stinging gold only
Stitched gold only
Stoic gold only
Stormborn Coal x40 Diamond x20 Obsidian x10 Quicksilver x20
Stout gold only
Sturdy gold only
Sunstone gold only
Tailored gold only
Tanned gold only
Taripontor gold only
Tempered gold only
Tenacious Agate x1
Terrible Agate x1
Thunderous Agate x1
Tightweave gold only
Titanium gold only
Tooled gold only
Topaz Agate x1
Tough gold only
Toughened gold only
Tourmaline gold only
Tranquil gold only
Treated gold only
Trueforged Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10
Trueshaped Adamant x20 Antimony x20 Coal x40 Diamond x20 Obsidian x5
Truesilver gold only
Truesteel gold only
Truesteel gold only
Truethread Agate x1
Truewoven Antimony x20 Coal x40 Diamond x20 Sulfur x20 Obsidian x5
Truewrought Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Trusty gold only
Tuned gold only
Uncanny Agate x1
Uncommon gold only
Unshakable gold only
Unyielding Agate x1
Vanguard's gold only
Vengeful gold only
Vicious gold only
Volliandrum gold only
Warded Agate x1
Warlord's Coal x20 Iron x20 Sulfur x10
Watchman's gold only
Well-honed gold only
Well-Made gold only
Wicked Agate x1
Winter Agate x1
Woven gold only
Wrought Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10
Wyrmkin's Agate x1
Wyrmslayer's gold only
Yew gold only
Yglandor Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
of Perfection gold only
of the Paragon gold only
of the Mighty gold only
of Superiority Agate x1
of Power Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Azoth x10 Bronzewood x15 Mandrake x20 Quicksilver x10 Sulfur x10
of Puncturing gold only
of Piercing Agate x1
of the Bull's Eye Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
of Vitality gold only
of Vigor gold only
of Health gold only
of Life Agate x1
of the Shaper Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Orichalk x20
of Cuts gold only
of Burrs gold only
of Claws Agate x1
of Briars Agate x1
of Thorns Coal x20 Iron x20 Onyx x10 Sulfur x10
of Bloodletting Coal x20 Iron x20 Onyx x10 Sulfur x10
of Ice gold only
of Frost Agate x1
of Frykka Antimony x10 Coal x20 Iron x20 Sulfur x10
of Flame gold only
of Embers Agate x1
of Fire Coal x20 Iron x20 Sulfur x10
of Lightning gold only
of Storms Agate x1
of Thunderbolts Coal x20 Iron x20 Quicksilver x10 Sulfur x10
of Wode gold only
of Silver Agate x1
of the Spriggan gold only
of the Dryads Agate x1
of the Fey Bronzewood x15 Iron x20 Mandrake x20 Sulfur x10
of the Mind gold only
of the Warlock Agate x1
of the Mentalist Coal x20 Iron x20 Quicksilver x10 Sulfur x10
of Poison gold only
of Venom Agate x1
of the Fang Coal x20 Iron x20 Onyx x10 Sulfur x10
of Overwhelming gold only
of Exhausting Agate x1
of Subduing Adamant x10 Coal x20 Iron x20 Sulfur x10
of Sin gold only
of the Hedgehog Agate x1
of the Porcupine Coal x20 Onyx x10 Truesteel x20
of Hoarfrost Agate x1
of the Inferno Agate x1
of Skyfire Agate x1
of the Witch Agate x1
of the Elflords Bronzewood x15 Mandrake x20 Truesteel x20
of Feedback Agate x1
of the Defender Agate x1
of the Phalanx Antimony x10 Coal x20 Truesteel x20
of the Skrell Agate x1
of Assassins Coal x20 Onyx x10 Truesteel x20
of Deftness gold only
of Reflex gold only
of Agility gold only
of Accuracy Agate x1
of Celerity Antimony x10 Azoth x10 Oak x20
of the Maker gold only
of Quality gold only
of Craftsmanship Agate x1
of the Ages Adamant x10 Oak x20 Truesteel x20
of the Stag gold only
of the Wolf gold only
of the Bull gold only
of the Ox gold only
of the Bear gold only
of the Lion gold only
of Braialla Agate x1
of Ymir Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Orichalk x20
of Wits gold only
of Cunning gold only
of Thought gold only
of Brilliance Agate x1
of Genius Azoth x10 Oak x20 Quicksilver x10
of Perception gold only
of Witchsight gold only
of Feysight Agate x1
of the Sidhe Oak x20 Quicksilver x10
of Riddles gold only
of Secrets gold only
of Enigmas gold only
of Mysteries gold only
of Potential Agate x1
of the Arcanum Azoth x10 Mandrake x20 Oak x20
of Wounding gold only
of Maiming gold only
of Slaying gold only
of Mayhem gold only
of Carnage Agate x1
of Slaughter Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
of Pain gold only
of Cruelty gold only
of Balance gold only
of Faculty gold only
of Measure Agate x1
of the Butcher Antimony x10 Iron x20 Orichalk x20
of the Wind Agate x1
of the Zephyr Azoth x10 Bronzewood x15 Quicksilver x10
of the Windlords Azoth x10 Bronzewood x30 Quicksilver x20 Bloodstone x5
of Caution gold only
of Evasion gold only
of Absorption Agate x1
of Fortification Adamant x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10
of the Pillar Adamant x20 Coal x40 Diamond x20 Bloodstone x5
of Glancing gold only
of the Battlements gold only
of the Parapet Agate x1
of the Turtle Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10
of Stoneskin Antimony x20 Coal x40 Diamond x20 Bloodstone x5
of Constancy gold only
of Parrying gold only
of Bladeturning Agate x1
of the Jen'e'tai Coal x20 Diamond x10 Sulfur x10
of the Trueson Coal x40 Diamond x20 Sulfur x20 Bloodstone x5
of the Razor gold only
of Bark gold only
of the Ash gold only
of the Dervish gold only
of Talons Agate x1
of the Willow Agate x1
of the Bloodlords Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Onyx x10
of the Treant Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Onyx x10
of the Hearth gold only
of the Lynx gold only
of the Mammoth Agate x1
of Warmth Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10
of the Deserts gold only
of Dew gold only
of the Sun gold only
of Mist gold only
of Khalykryst Agate x1
of Rain Agate x1
of Khalikryst Coal x20 Diamond x10 Sulfur x10
of the Flood Coal x20 Diamond x10 Sulfur x10
of Grounding gold only
of Shelter gold only
of Skywarding Agate x1
of Torvald Coal x20 Diamond x10 Quicksilver x10
of the Skald gold only
of Hawthorn gold only
of the Alfar gold only
of Wychwood gold only
of Sorcery Agate x1
of the Khelegur Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Mandrake x20
of Holly Agate x1
of Saedron Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Mandrake x20
of Calm gold only
of Focus gold only
of Will Agate x1
of Serenity Coal x20 Diamond x10 Quicksilver x10
of Remedy gold only
of Purging gold only
of Antidote Agate x1
of the Asp Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Onyx x10
of the Archons gold only
of the Soul gold only
of the Saints gold only
of Divinity Agate x1
of Fate Azoth x10 Mandrake x20 Oak x20
of the Tracker gold only
of the Stalker gold only
of the Huntsmen gold only
of Vashteera gold only
of the Quester Agate x1
of Persistence Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Orichalk x20
of Might gold only
of Strength gold only
of the Ogre gold only
of the Minotaur Agate x1
of the Giants Azoth x10 Oak x20 Sulfur x10
of Readiness gold only
of Swiftness gold only
of Quickness Agate x1
of Alacrity Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Quicksilver x10
of the Eagle gold only
of Trueflight Agate x1
of Marksmanship Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Quicksilver x10
of Blocking gold only
of Deflection Agate x1
of Defense Antimony x10 Bronzewood x15 Truesteel x20
of Wizardry Coal x20 Quicksilver x10
of Stormcalling Coal x20 Quicksilver x10
of the Gaana Adamant x10 Coal x20
of Warlockry Coal x20 Quicksilver x10
of Liturgy Coal x20 Mandrake x20
of Theurgy Coal x20 Mandrake x20
of Thaumaturgy Coal x20 Sulfur x10
of Nature Lore Adamant x10 Coal x20
of Shadowmastery Coal x20 Onyx x10
of Beastcraft Adamant x10 Coal x20
of Bardsong Antimony x10 Coal x20
of the Leech gold only
of the Lamprey Agate x1
of the Vampyre Coal x20 Iron x20 Onyx x10
of the Apostate gold only
of Heresy gold only
of Blasphemy gold only
of Sacrilege Agate x1
of Godspite Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Mandrake x20
of Divine Shadow Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Mandrake x20
of the Unbeliever Agate x1
of Abjuration Coal x20 Mandrake x20
of Channeling Coal x20 Mandrake x20
of Corruption Coal x20 Onyx x10
of Righteousness Coal x20 Iron x20 Mandrake x20 Sulfur x10
of the Blessed Bronzewood x15 Mandrake x20 Truesteel x20
of the Believer gold only
of Devotion gold only
of Faith Agate x1
of Blessedness Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Onyx x10
of Necromancy Coal x20 Onyx x10
of Exorcism Coal x20 Mandrake x20
of Bloodcraft Antimony x10 Coal x20
of Perforation Bloodstone x20 Iron x40 Orichalk x40 Sulfur x20
of the Thanes Adamant x20 Azoth x20 Bloodstone x10 Orichalk x40
of Thorns Bloodstone x10 Coal x40 Onyx x20 Truesteel x40
of Blizzards Antimony x20 Bloodstone x10 Orichalk x40 Truesteel x40
of Uvoriel Bloodstone x10 Bronzewood x30 Sulfur x20 Truesteel x40
of the Chosen Bloodstone x10 Bronzewood x30 Mandrake x40 Truesteel x40
of Tempests Bloodstone x10 Bronzewood x30 Quicksilver x20 Truesteel x40
of the Archmagi Bloodstone x10 Bronzewood x30 Mandrake x40 Truesteel x40
of Madness Bloodstone x10 Coal x40 Quicksilver x20 Truesteel x40
of the Banelords Bloodstone x10 Coal x40 Onyx x20 Truesteel x40
of Arnomus Antimony x20 Azoth x20 Bloodstone x10 Oak x40
of Thurin Adamant x20 Azoth x20 Bloodstone x5 Orichalk x40
of the Mastermind Bloodstone x10 Oak x40 Quicksilver x20
of Ruin Bloodstone x20 Iron x40 Orichalk x40 Sulfur x20
of Blood Antimony x20 Bloodstone x20 Iron x40 Orichalk x40
of Transcendence Azoth x20 Bloodstone x10 Mandrake x40 Oak x40
of the Gods Adamant x20 Antimony x20 Azoth x20 Bloodstone x10 Bronzewood x30 Mandrake x40 Quicksilver x20
of Hedrusiel Azoth x20 Bloodstone x10 Oak x40 Sulfur x20
of Dispatch Bloodstone x20 Iron x40 Orichalk x40 Quicksilver x20
of the Lost Agate x1
of the Accursed Onyx x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
of the Forsaken Bloodstone x10 Onyx x20 Orichalk x40 Truesteel x40
of Darkness gold only
of Shadow Agate x1
of Oblivion Coal x20 Iron x20 Onyx x10 Sulfur x10
of Piety gold only
of the Just Agate x1
of Truth Coal x20 Iron x20 Mandrake x20 Sulfur x10

Tier Four

Tier Four, or expansion-tier enchantments are the best available enchantments that players can create. These enchantments will never appear when random rolling or when gear is found on mob corpses.


Enchantment Effect Cost Qty.
Abomination's Bronzewood x30 Diamond x20 Mandrake x40 Obsidian x10
Acolyte's gold only
Adamant Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
Adamant gold only
Aegis Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Aegline gold only
Alder gold only
Alloyed gold only
Amber Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Oak x20
Amethyst Agate x1
Ancient gold only
Angrim Agate x1
Anointed Agate x1
Anomani gold only
Antique gold only
Apostate's Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Mandrake x20
Apprentice's gold only
Aquamarine Agate x1
Archaic Agate x1
Archmage's Antimony x10 Coal x20
Ardani gold only
Astral Agate x1
Avatar's Adamant x10 Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
Barbaric gold only
Baron's Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
Basilisk's Agate x1
Beast Hide Adamant x20 Antimony x20 Coal x40 Diamond x20 Obsidian x5
Believer's gold only
Blessed gold only
Bloodstone Agate x1
Bodyguard's gold only
Boned Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10 Sulfur x10
Bowman's gold only
Bronzewood Agate x1
Brutal gold only
Burnished gold only
Captain's gold only
Carlind gold only
Carnelian Adamant x20 Antimony x20 Azoth x20 Coal x40 Obsidian x10
Centipede's gold only
Centurion's gold only
Chalcedony Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Bronzewood x15 Sulfur x10
Champion's gold only
Charmed Antimony x20 Coal x40 Diamond x20 Quicksilver x20 Sulfur x20 Obsidian x10
Chrysoberyl Adamant x20 Azoth x20 Bronzewood x30 Obsidian x10 Sulfur x20
Cobra's Bronzewood x30 Diamond x20 Obsidian x10 Onyx x20
Colonel's gold only
Comfortable gold only
Commander's gold only
Conjurer's gold only
Conqueror's Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
Consecrated gold only
Convert's gold only
Count's gold only
Crackling Tier 1 Lightning Proc Iron x20 Quicksilver x10 Sulfur x10
Cured gold only
Custodian's gold only
Cynic's gold only
Dauntless gold only
Deadly Iron x40 Obsidian x20 Orichalk x40 Sulfur x20
Defiant gold only
Denseweave gold only
Devout gold only
Diamond Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Mandrake x20 Oak x20
Dissenting gold only
Doublestitched Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10
Dragonbone Azoth x20 Bronzewood x30 Mandrake x40 Obsidian x10
Durable gold only
Dwarvish Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Elder gold only
Eldritch gold only
Elemental gold only
Emerald Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Azoth x10 Coal x20
Emperor's Iron x40 Obsidian x20 Orichalk x40 Sulfur x20
Enduring gold only
Englamored Bronzewood x30 Diamond x20 Mandrake x40 Obsidian x10
Engraved Agate x1
Etched gold only
Eternal gold only
Ethereal Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Mandrake x20
Ethyrian gold only
Exalted Azoth x20 Mandrake x40 Oak x40 Obsidian x10
Expert's gold only
Facetted gold only
Fearsome gold only
Featherweight gold only
Fell Coal x20 Onyx x10
Ferocious gold only
Fiery Tier 1 Fire Proc Coal x20 Iron x20 Sulfur x10
Fine gold only
Fire Agate gold only
Forged Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10
Fortified Agate x1
Frykka's Antimony x20 Coal x40 Diamond x20 Obsidian x10
Fury's gold only
Garnet gold only
General's Agate x1
Granite Adamant x20 Azoth x20 Bronzewood x30 Obsidian x10
Graven gold only
Greatwyrm's Coal x20 Diamond x10 Sulfur x10
Guardian's Agate x1
Gwendannor gold only
Haliodor Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Bronzewood x15 Sulfur x10
Hallowed Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Onyx x10
Hammered gold only
Hand-stitched gold only
Hardened Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Diamond x10
Hardened gold only
Hardwood gold only
Hardy gold only
Harmonious gold only
Harrandi gold only
Heartwood Agate x1
Heavy gold only
Heimnir's Coal x20 Diamond x10 Quicksilver x10
Helldrake's Coal x40 Diamond x20 Obsidian x10 Sulfur x20
Hematite Adamant x20 Azoth x20 Coal x40 Obsidian x10 Quicksilver x20
Hero's Agate x1
Herrogar's gold only
Hickory gold only
High Priest's Coal x20 Mandrake x20
Holtzen gold only
Iceborn Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10
Icy Tier 1 Cold Proc Antimony x10 Coal x20 Iron x20 Sulfur x10
Illuminated gold only
Immaculate Agate x1
Impenetrable Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Imperial Agate x1
Imperturbable Coal x40 Diamond x20 Obsidian x10 Quicksilver x20
Impervious Agate x1
Indomitable Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Inscribed Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Intractable Coal x20 Diamond x10 Quicksilver x10
Intricate Agate x1
Invincible Antimony x20 Obsidian x5 Orichalk x40 Truesteel x40
Irekei gold only
Irydnu gold only
Ivory Azoth x10 Bronzewood x15 Mandrake x20
Jacinth Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Orichalk x20
Jade Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Bronzewood x15
Jagged gold only
Kenaryn's Adamant x20 Azoth x20 Obsidian x10 Orichalk x40
King's gold only
Knight's gold only
Lacquered gold only
Lapis Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Coal x20 Quicksilver x10
Lashava's gold only
Layered gold only
Legendary Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Quicksilver x10 Sulfur x10
Legionnaire's gold only
Lethal Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
Lightened gold only
Lightforged gold only
Lucky gold only
Mage's Agate x1
Mahogany gold only
Malachite Adamant x20 Azoth x20 Bronzewood x30 Obsidian x10 Sulfur x20
Manticore's Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Onyx x10
Marathon Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Orichalk x20
Massive Tier 1 Stamina Proc Adamant x10 Iron x20 Sulfur x10
Masterwork Agate x1
Mercenary's gold only
Messenger's Agate x1
Mithril gold only
Mithril Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Moonstone gold only
Morloch's Coal x40 Iron x40 Obsidian x20 Sulfur x20
Myrmidon's gold only
Mystic gold only
Noble's gold only
Northern gold only
Notable gold only
Oaken gold only
Opal gold only
Ornamented Antimony x20 Obsidian x10 Orichalk x40 Truesteel x40
Outstanding gold only
Pearl Agate x1
Peerless gold only
Peerless Iron x40 Obsidian x20 Orichalk x40 Quicksilver x20 Sulfur x20
Phantom gold only
Precise gold only
Pressed gold only
Priest's Agate x1
Primal Azoth x10 Mandrake x20 Oak x20
Profane Agate x1
Protector's gold only
Radiant gold only
Rare gold only
Rawhide Agate x1
Regal gold only
Reinforced gold only
Resilient gold only
Resolute gold only
Riveted gold only
Robust gold only
Royal Agate x1
Ruby Agate x1
Rugged gold only
Runed Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Mandrake x20 Oak x20
Ruthless gold only
Sacred Bronzewood x30 Diamond x20 Obsidian x10 Onyx x20
Saedrium gold only
Sanctified Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10 Quicksilver x10 Sulfur x10
Sanded gold only
Sapphire Agate x1
Savage Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
Scorched gold only
Scorpion's gold only
Scribed Agate x1
Sentinel's Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Sergeant's gold only
Serpent's gold only
Serpentine Agate x1
Shiny gold only
Shocking gold only
Skeptic's gold only
Soldier's gold only
Solid gold only
Spectral gold only
Squallborn gold only
Squire's gold only
Stalwart gold only
Staunch gold only
Steadfast gold only
Steel gold only
Stiff gold only
Stinging gold only
Stitched gold only
Stoic gold only
Stormborn Coal x40 Diamond x20 Obsidian x10 Quicksilver x20
Stout gold only
Sturdy gold only
Sunstone gold only
Tailored gold only
Tanned gold only
Taripontor gold only
Tempered gold only
Tenacious Agate x1
Terrible Agate x1
Thunderous Agate x1
Tightweave gold only
Titanium gold only
Tooled gold only
Topaz Agate x1
Tough gold only
Toughened gold only
Tourmaline gold only
Tranquil gold only
Treated gold only
Trueforged Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10
Trueshaped Adamant x20 Antimony x20 Coal x40 Diamond x20 Obsidian x5
Truesilver gold only
Truesteel gold only
Truesteel gold only
Truethread Agate x1
Truewoven Antimony x20 Coal x40 Diamond x20 Sulfur x20 Obsidian x5


Enchantment Effect Cost Qty.
Abomination's Bronzewood x30 Diamond x20 Mandrake x40 Obsidian x10
Acolyte's gold only
Adamant Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
Adamant gold only
Aegis Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Aegline gold only
Alder gold only
Alloyed gold only
Amber Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Oak x20
Amethyst Agate x1
Ancient gold only
Angrim Agate x1
Anointed Agate x1
Anomani gold only
Antique gold only
Apostate's Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Mandrake x20
Apprentice's gold only
Aquamarine Agate x1
Archaic Agate x1
Archmage's Antimony x10 Coal x20
Ardani gold only
Astral Agate x1
Avatar's Adamant x10 Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
Barbaric gold only
Baron's Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
Basilisk's Agate x1
Beast Hide Adamant x20 Antimony x20 Coal x40 Diamond x20 Obsidian x5
Believer's gold only
Blessed gold only
Bloodstone Agate x1
Bodyguard's gold only
Boned Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10 Sulfur x10
Bowman's gold only
Bronzewood Agate x1
Brutal gold only
Burnished gold only
Captain's gold only
Carlind gold only
Carnelian Adamant x20 Antimony x20 Azoth x20 Coal x40 Obsidian x10
Centipede's gold only
Centurion's gold only
Chalcedony Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Bronzewood x15 Sulfur x10
Champion's gold only
Charmed Antimony x20 Coal x40 Diamond x20 Quicksilver x20 Sulfur x20 Obsidian x10
Chrysoberyl Adamant x20 Azoth x20 Bronzewood x30 Obsidian x10 Sulfur x20
Cobra's Bronzewood x30 Diamond x20 Obsidian x10 Onyx x20
Colonel's gold only
Comfortable gold only
Commander's gold only
Conjurer's gold only
Conqueror's Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
Consecrated gold only
Convert's gold only
Count's gold only
Crackling Tier 1 Lightning Proc Iron x20 Quicksilver x10 Sulfur x10
Cured gold only
Custodian's gold only
Cynic's gold only
Dauntless gold only
Deadly Iron x40 Obsidian x20 Orichalk x40 Sulfur x20
Defiant gold only
Denseweave gold only
Devout gold only
Diamond Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Mandrake x20 Oak x20
Dissenting gold only
Doublestitched Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10
Dragonbone Azoth x20 Bronzewood x30 Mandrake x40 Obsidian x10
Durable gold only
Dwarvish Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Elder gold only
Eldritch gold only
Elemental gold only
Emerald Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Azoth x10 Coal x20
Emperor's Iron x40 Obsidian x20 Orichalk x40 Sulfur x20
Enduring gold only
Englamored Bronzewood x30 Diamond x20 Mandrake x40 Obsidian x10
Engraved Agate x1
Etched gold only
Eternal gold only
Ethereal Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Mandrake x20
Ethyrian gold only
Exalted Azoth x20 Mandrake x40 Oak x40 Obsidian x10
Expert's gold only
Facetted gold only
Fearsome gold only
Featherweight gold only
Fell Coal x20 Onyx x10
Ferocious gold only
Fiery Tier 1 Fire Proc Coal x20 Iron x20 Sulfur x10
Fine gold only
Fire Agate gold only
Forged Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10
Fortified Agate x1
Frykka's Antimony x20 Coal x40 Diamond x20 Obsidian x10
Fury's gold only
Garnet gold only
General's Agate x1
Granite Adamant x20 Azoth x20 Bronzewood x30 Obsidian x10
Graven gold only
Greatwyrm's Coal x20 Diamond x10 Sulfur x10
Guardian's Agate x1
Gwendannor gold only
Haliodor Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Bronzewood x15 Sulfur x10
Hallowed Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Onyx x10
Hammered gold only
Hand-stitched gold only
Hardened Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Diamond x10
Hardened gold only
Hardwood gold only
Hardy gold only
Harmonious gold only
Harrandi gold only
Heartwood Agate x1
Heavy gold only
Heimnir's Coal x20 Diamond x10 Quicksilver x10
Helldrake's Coal x40 Diamond x20 Obsidian x10 Sulfur x20
Hematite Adamant x20 Azoth x20 Coal x40 Obsidian x10 Quicksilver x20
Hero's Agate x1
Herrogar's gold only
Hickory gold only
High Priest's Coal x20 Mandrake x20
Holtzen gold only
Iceborn Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10
Icy Tier 1 Cold Proc Antimony x10 Coal x20 Iron x20 Sulfur x10
Illuminated gold only
Immaculate Agate x1
Impenetrable Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Imperial Agate x1
Imperturbable Coal x40 Diamond x20 Obsidian x10 Quicksilver x20
Impervious Agate x1
Indomitable Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Inscribed Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Intractable Coal x20 Diamond x10 Quicksilver x10
Intricate Agate x1
Invincible Antimony x20 Obsidian x5 Orichalk x40 Truesteel x40
Irekei gold only
Irydnu gold only
Ivory Azoth x10 Bronzewood x15 Mandrake x20
Jacinth Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Orichalk x20
Jade Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Bronzewood x15
Jagged gold only
Kenaryn's Adamant x20 Azoth x20 Obsidian x10 Orichalk x40
King's gold only
Knight's gold only
Lacquered gold only
Lapis Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Coal x20 Quicksilver x10
Lashava's gold only
Layered gold only
Legendary Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Quicksilver x10 Sulfur x10
Legionnaire's gold only
Lethal Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
Lightened gold only
Lightforged gold only
Lucky gold only
Mage's Agate x1
Mahogany gold only
Malachite Adamant x20 Azoth x20 Bronzewood x30 Obsidian x10 Sulfur x20
Manticore's Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Onyx x10
Marathon Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Orichalk x20
Massive Tier 1 Stamina Proc Adamant x10 Iron x20 Sulfur x10
Masterwork Agate x1
Mercenary's gold only
Messenger's Agate x1
Mithril gold only
Mithril Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Moonstone gold only
Morloch's Coal x40 Iron x40 Obsidian x20 Sulfur x20
Myrmidon's gold only
Mystic gold only
Noble's gold only
Northern gold only
Notable gold only
Oaken gold only
Opal gold only
Ornamented Antimony x20 Obsidian x10 Orichalk x40 Truesteel x40
Outstanding gold only
Pearl Agate x1
Peerless gold only
Peerless Iron x40 Obsidian x20 Orichalk x40 Quicksilver x20 Sulfur x20
Phantom gold only
Precise gold only
Pressed gold only
Priest's Agate x1
Primal Azoth x10 Mandrake x20 Oak x20
Profane Agate x1
Protector's gold only
Radiant gold only
Rare gold only
Rawhide Agate x1
Regal gold only
Reinforced gold only
Resilient gold only
Resolute gold only
Riveted gold only
Robust gold only
Royal Agate x1
Ruby Agate x1
Rugged gold only
Runed Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Mandrake x20 Oak x20
Ruthless gold only
Sacred Bronzewood x30 Diamond x20 Obsidian x10 Onyx x20
Saedrium gold only
Sanctified Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10 Quicksilver x10 Sulfur x10
Sanded gold only
Sapphire Agate x1
Savage Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
Scorched gold only
Scorpion's gold only
Scribed Agate x1
Sentinel's Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Sergeant's gold only
Serpent's gold only
Serpentine Agate x1
Shiny gold only
Shocking gold only
Skeptic's gold only
Soldier's gold only
Solid gold only
Spectral gold only
Squallborn gold only
Squire's gold only
Stalwart gold only
Staunch gold only
Steadfast gold only
Steel gold only
Stiff gold only
Stinging gold only
Stitched gold only
Stoic gold only
Stormborn Coal x40 Diamond x20 Obsidian x10 Quicksilver x20
Stout gold only
Sturdy gold only
Sunstone gold only
Tailored gold only
Tanned gold only
Taripontor gold only
Tempered gold only
Tenacious Agate x1
Terrible Agate x1
Thunderous Agate x1
Tightweave gold only
Titanium gold only
Tooled gold only
Topaz Agate x1
Tough gold only
Toughened gold only
Tourmaline gold only
Tranquil gold only
Treated gold only
Trueforged Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10
Trueshaped Adamant x20 Antimony x20 Coal x40 Diamond x20 Obsidian x5
Truesilver gold only
Truesteel gold only
Truesteel gold only
Truethread Agate x1
Truewoven Antimony x20 Coal x40 Diamond x20 Sulfur x20 Obsidian x5
Truewrought Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Orichalk x20 Truesteel x20
Trusty gold only
Tuned gold only
Uncanny Agate x1
Uncommon gold only
Unshakable gold only
Unyielding Agate x1
Vanguard's gold only
Vengeful gold only
Vicious gold only
Volliandrum gold only
Warded Agate x1
Warlord's Coal x20 Iron x20 Sulfur x10
Watchman's gold only
Well-honed gold only
Well-Made gold only
Wicked Agate x1
Winter Agate x1
Woven gold only
Wrought Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10
Wyrmkin's Agate x1
Wyrmslayer's gold only
Yew gold only
Yglandor Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
of Perfection gold only
of the Paragon gold only
of the Mighty gold only
of Superiority Agate x1
of Power Adamant x10 Antimony x10 Azoth x10 Bronzewood x15 Mandrake x20 Quicksilver x10 Sulfur x10
of Puncturing gold only
of Piercing Agate x1
of the Bull's Eye Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
of Vitality gold only
of Vigor gold only
of Health gold only
of Life Agate x1
of the Shaper Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Orichalk x20
of Cuts gold only
of Burrs gold only
of Claws Agate x1
of Briars Agate x1
of Thorns Coal x20 Iron x20 Onyx x10 Sulfur x10
of Bloodletting Coal x20 Iron x20 Onyx x10 Sulfur x10
of Ice gold only
of Frost Agate x1
of Frykka Antimony x10 Coal x20 Iron x20 Sulfur x10
of Flame gold only
of Embers Agate x1
of Fire Coal x20 Iron x20 Sulfur x10
of Lightning gold only
of Storms Agate x1
of Thunderbolts Coal x20 Iron x20 Quicksilver x10 Sulfur x10
of Wode gold only
of Silver Agate x1
of the Spriggan gold only
of the Dryads Agate x1
of the Fey Bronzewood x15 Iron x20 Mandrake x20 Sulfur x10
of the Mind gold only
of the Warlock Agate x1
of the Mentalist Coal x20 Iron x20 Quicksilver x10 Sulfur x10
of Poison gold only
of Venom Agate x1
of the Fang Coal x20 Iron x20 Onyx x10 Sulfur x10
of Overwhelming gold only
of Exhausting Agate x1
of Subduing Adamant x10 Coal x20 Iron x20 Sulfur x10
of Sin gold only
of the Hedgehog Agate x1
of the Porcupine Coal x20 Onyx x10 Truesteel x20
of Hoarfrost Agate x1
of the Inferno Agate x1
of Skyfire Agate x1
of the Witch Agate x1
of the Elflords Bronzewood x15 Mandrake x20 Truesteel x20
of Feedback Agate x1
of the Defender Agate x1
of the Phalanx Antimony x10 Coal x20 Truesteel x20
of the Skrell Agate x1
of Assassins Coal x20 Onyx x10 Truesteel x20
of Deftness gold only
of Reflex gold only
of Agility gold only
of Accuracy Agate x1
of Celerity Antimony x10 Azoth x10 Oak x20
of the Maker gold only
of Quality gold only
of Craftsmanship Agate x1
of the Ages Adamant x10 Oak x20 Truesteel x20
of the Stag gold only
of the Wolf gold only
of the Bull gold only
of the Ox gold only
of the Bear gold only
of the Lion gold only
of Braialla Agate x1
of Ymir Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Orichalk x20
of Wits gold only
of Cunning gold only
of Thought gold only
of Brilliance Agate x1
of Genius Azoth x10 Oak x20 Quicksilver x10
of Perception gold only
of Witchsight gold only
of Feysight Agate x1
of the Sidhe Oak x20 Quicksilver x10
of Riddles gold only
of Secrets gold only
of Enigmas gold only
of Mysteries gold only
of Potential Agate x1
of the Arcanum Azoth x10 Mandrake x20 Oak x20
of Wounding gold only
of Maiming gold only
of Slaying gold only
of Mayhem gold only
of Carnage Agate x1
of Slaughter Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Sulfur x10
of Pain gold only
of Cruelty gold only
of Balance gold only
of Faculty gold only
of Measure Agate x1
of the Butcher Antimony x10 Iron x20 Orichalk x20
of the Wind Agate x1
of the Zephyr Azoth x10 Bronzewood x15 Quicksilver x10
of the Windlords Azoth x10 Bronzewood x30 Quicksilver x20 Bloodstone x5
of Caution gold only
of Evasion gold only
of Absorption Agate x1
of Fortification Adamant x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10
of the Pillar Adamant x20 Coal x40 Diamond x20 Bloodstone x5
of Glancing gold only
of the Battlements gold only
of the Parapet Agate x1
of the Turtle Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10
of Stoneskin Antimony x20 Coal x40 Diamond x20 Bloodstone x5
of Constancy gold only
of Parrying gold only
of Bladeturning Agate x1
of the Jen'e'tai Coal x20 Diamond x10 Sulfur x10
of the Trueson Coal x40 Diamond x20 Sulfur x20 Bloodstone x5
of the Razor gold only
of Bark gold only
of the Ash gold only
of the Dervish gold only
of Talons Agate x1
of the Willow Agate x1
of the Bloodlords Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Onyx x10
of the Treant Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Onyx x10
of the Hearth gold only
of the Lynx gold only
of the Mammoth Agate x1
of Warmth Antimony x10 Coal x20 Diamond x10
of the Deserts gold only
of Dew gold only
of the Sun gold only
of Mist gold only
of Khalykryst Agate x1
of Rain Agate x1
of Khalikryst Coal x20 Diamond x10 Sulfur x10
of the Flood Coal x20 Diamond x10 Sulfur x10
of Grounding gold only
of Shelter gold only
of Skywarding Agate x1
of Torvald Coal x20 Diamond x10 Quicksilver x10
of the Skald gold only
of Hawthorn gold only
of the Alfar gold only
of Wychwood gold only
of Sorcery Agate x1
of the Khelegur Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Mandrake x20
of Holly Agate x1
of Saedron Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Mandrake x20
of Calm gold only
of Focus gold only
of Will Agate x1
of Serenity Coal x20 Diamond x10 Quicksilver x10
of Remedy gold only
of Purging gold only
of Antidote Agate x1
of the Asp Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Onyx x10
of the Archons gold only
of the Soul gold only
of the Saints gold only
of Divinity Agate x1
of Fate Azoth x10 Mandrake x20 Oak x20
of the Tracker gold only
of the Stalker gold only
of the Huntsmen gold only
of Vashteera gold only
of the Quester Agate x1
of Persistence Adamant x10 Azoth x10 Orichalk x20
of Might gold only
of Strength gold only
of the Ogre gold only
of the Minotaur Agate x1
of the Giants Azoth x10 Oak x20 Sulfur x10
of Readiness gold only
of Swiftness gold only
of Quickness Agate x1
of Alacrity Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Quicksilver x10
of the Eagle gold only
of Trueflight Agate x1
of Marksmanship Iron x20 Orichalk x20 Quicksilver x10
of Blocking gold only
of Deflection Agate x1
of Defense Antimony x10 Bronzewood x15 Truesteel x20
of Wizardry Coal x20 Quicksilver x10
of Stormcalling Coal x20 Quicksilver x10
of the Gaana Adamant x10 Coal x20
of Warlockry Coal x20 Quicksilver x10
of Liturgy Coal x20 Mandrake x20
of Theurgy Coal x20 Mandrake x20
of Thaumaturgy Coal x20 Sulfur x10
of Nature Lore Adamant x10 Coal x20
of Shadowmastery Coal x20 Onyx x10
of Beastcraft Adamant x10 Coal x20
of Bardsong Antimony x10 Coal x20
of the Leech gold only
of the Lamprey Agate x1
of the Vampyre Coal x20 Iron x20 Onyx x10
of the Apostate gold only
of Heresy gold only
of Blasphemy gold only
of Sacrilege Agate x1
of Godspite Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Mandrake x20
of Divine Shadow Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Mandrake x20
of the Unbeliever Agate x1
of Abjuration Coal x20 Mandrake x20
of Channeling Coal x20 Mandrake x20
of Corruption Coal x20 Onyx x10
of Righteousness Coal x20 Iron x20 Mandrake x20 Sulfur x10
of the Blessed Bronzewood x15 Mandrake x20 Truesteel x20
of the Believer gold only
of Devotion gold only
of Faith Agate x1
of Blessedness Bronzewood x15 Diamond x10 Onyx x10
of Necromancy Coal x20 Onyx x10
of Exorcism Coal x20 Mandrake x20
of Bloodcraft Antimony x10 Coal x20
of Perforation Bloodstone x20 Iron x40 Orichalk x40 Sulfur x20
of the Thanes Adamant x20 Azoth x20 Bloodstone x10 Orichalk x40
of Thorns Bloodstone x10 Coal x40 Onyx x20 Truesteel x40
of Blizzards Antimony x20 Bloodstone x10 Orichalk x40 Truesteel x40
of Uvoriel Bloodstone x10 Bronzewood x30 Sulfur x20 Truesteel x40
of the Chosen Bloodstone x10 Bronzewood x30 Mandrake x40 Truesteel x40
of Tempests Bloodstone x10 Bronzewood x30 Quicksilver x20 Truesteel x40
of the Archmagi Bloodstone x10 Bronzewood x30 Mandrake x40 Truesteel x40
of Madness Bloodstone x10 Coal x40 Quicksilver x20 Truesteel x40
of the Banelords Bloodstone x10 Coal x40 Onyx x20 Truesteel x40
of Arnomus Antimony x20 Azoth x20 Bloodstone x10 Oak x40
of Thurin Adamant x20 Azoth x20 Bloodstone x5 Orichalk x40
of the Mastermind Bloodstone x10 Oak x40 Quicksilver x20
of Ruin Bloodstone x20 Iron x40 Orichalk x40 Sulfur x20
of Blood Antimony x20 Bloodstone x20 Iron x40 Orichalk x40
of Transcendence Azoth x20 Bloodstone x10 Mandrake x40 Oak x40
of the Gods Adamant x20 Antimony x20 Azoth x20 Bloodstone x10 Bronzewood x30 Mandrake x40 Quicksilver x20 Sulfur x20
of Hedrusiel Azoth x20 Bloodstone x10 Oak x40 Sulfur x20

See Also