Movement Speed
Movement Speed (or run speed) is the rate at which a character runs along the land. Movement speed is calculated by units per second. The base movement speed for all characters is 13.97, except Centaurs, which have 16.94.
Movement Speed Modifiers
Base run speed is only enhanced by the Running skill at a rate of 0.25% increase per percentage point (e.g. 150% Running becomes 0.375, or equivalent to a 37.5% speed increase)
All other run speed modifiers apply to the modified speed:
- Run buffs: All short-duration movement speed buffs increase speed by a flat percentage.
- Windlords boots: Windlords provide a 5% increase increase.
- All Fighter and Rogue classes receive a 5% movement speed increase.
- Two starting runes modify movement speed:
- Blood_of_the_Dragon: +5% (Irekei only)
- Juggernaut: -10% (Dwarf, Half Giant, and Minotaur only)
Movement Speed Formula
(Base Speed) * (1 + Speed Modifiers Total)
A Human Thief with windlords boots, a 50% movement speed buff, and 100% running skill.
Movement Speed = (13.97) * (1 + .05 + .5 + .25) = 25.146
Therefore, this example character runs at 25.146, or 80% faster than the base movement speed.
Movement Speed Cap
The movement speed cap is 41 units per second.