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Map of Valkirch

Hail, stranger, and welcome to Valkirch! Once a great Church stood here, built to worship Vorrdan All-Father. A fat Southlander bishop raised it, and sought to draw the Thane in Starkholm to his flock. Ha! We Invorri are no sheep! The priest presumed too much, and now the bones of his church stand here, a reminder of the fury of the Northmen. A new church has risen up the road a ways, but we go not there. Take refuge and comfort here, but speak not of gods or liturgies! Here you shall be safe from the Dark Folk of the mountains.

- Pellam, Runemaster of Valkirch

Valkirch is a starting zone safe hold unique to Vorringia.


Valkirch is in the southwesternmost corner of the island of Uthgaard.

Class Trainer Availability

Valkirch is home to a Healer, Fighter, Mage, and Rogue trainer.