Sentinel Builds
Sentinel Templates are user-created character building instructions for Sentinels. They are battle-tested methods for building your character, but do not guarantee success and depend mostly on one's style of play.
Proccing Sent
By Beula (Source)
Author's Comments
"I had a toon similar to this on the live servers without the resource rolled gear though. I ran him in full vorg because it's what I had. This guy is not a serious killing machine but he can dish out some major damage, when you're lucky. Figured I'd post it up so that anyone who wanted to give it a go could see how I did it. I tried to rebuild him from memory on the Arkanis's Character Creator Spread Sheet so the numbers are probably a tad off. The whole purpose of the toon is to deal massive burst damage to low def characters. I never took this guy to massive GvG only smaller things like 3v3 and whatnot. Avoid high def characters!
PS: Don't take this too seriously :)
-- Belua
Character Creation
In-Game Runes
- Legendary Constitution
- Legendary Intelligence
- Huntsman
- Knight
- Runecaster
- Undead Hunter
Stats at Level 75
- Str: 40 (add 0)
- Dex: 73 (add 23) These can be put in spi if you want less atr/def and more mana
- Con: 130 (add 82)
- Int: 140 (add 92)
- Spi: 30 (add 0)
Training Point Allocation
- Dagger: 152% (126 trains)
- Abjuration: 129% (90 trains)
- Heavy Armor: 150% (130 trains)
- Dangriel's Might: 40 points
- Righteous Word of Binding: 40 points
- Holy Word of Binding: 40 points
- Sentinel's Charge: 40 points
- Divine Word of Binding: 1 point
- Noble Inspiration: 1 point
- Consecrate Weapon: 20 points
- Nyth Rune: 20 points
- Runecaster resistance buffs optional (if you want one, just take points from dagger or heavy armor)
Recommended Gear
- Jewelery: 24 intelligence, 35% mana recovery rings and necklace
- Armor: All Sentinel Armor with +9 defense and whatever prefix you want (except boots which are windlords and Gloves which are +12 dexterity)
- Weapons: Peerless Throwing Daggers of Truth
- HP: 3589
- Mana: 658
- Stamina: 343
- Str: 95
- Dex: 98
- Con: 191
- Int: 267
- Spi: 85
- Weapon ATR: 991
- Weapon DMG: 30-109
- Spell ATR: 1294
- Righteous Word of Binding DMG: 250-951 (with Dangriel's Might)
- Consecrate Weapon Proc DMG: 293-978 (According to Spread Sheet)
- Defense: 1770
(statistics recorded with Concoction Potion buffs and in Defense Stance)