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WIP.png "Morloch's Revelry" is a work in progress.
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Morloch's Revelry is a game mechanic designed to improve parity in heavily imbalanced bane battles.


Dynamic Classification

Morloch's Revelry uses a combination od world positioning, combat events, and other subtle logged events to determine whether a player at a bane battle is an attacker, a defender, or a crasher. This classification updates dynamically in real-time to allow flexibility and prevent players from attempting to circumvent its effects.

Hand of Morloch

Once a character has been judged as an attacker, defender, or crasher, the following effects will be imposed upon it.

Attacker Defender Crasher
hey! what's up! hello from SUNNY CALIFORNIA

Once this judgement has been made, an effect is applied outgoing spell and weapon damage modifier is placed upon the force with

The damage modifiers is based on taking the highest number of one group compared against another the highest number of another group over the last 5 minutes. A new sample of the totals on the bane are taken every 15 seconds. Only the highest sample of each group over the last 5 minutes is used to calculate the damage modifier. Any sample that's more than 5 minutes old is rolled off and the highest of the remaining samples is used. So if 40 defenders engage 60 attackers and the numbers fall throughout combat, the total will not change from 40 vs 60 for 5 minutes. However if either side adds to that total, it is instantly bumped to it's new high for 5 minutes. The totals for each side are calculated as such:

When a defender damages another defender they do normal damage (no modifier).
When a defender damages an attacker then we calculate the highest defender total over the last 5 minutes against the highest attacker total to get the modifier.
When a defender damages a crasher then we calculate the highest defender total over the last 5 minutes against the highest crasher total plus the highest attacker total to get the modifier.

When an attacker damages another attacker they do normal damage (no modifier).
When an attacker damages a defender then we calculate the highest attacker total over the last 5 minutes against the highest defender total to get the modifier.
When an attacker damages a crasher then we calculate the highest attacker total over the last 5 minutes against the highest crasher total plus the highest defender total to get the modifier.

When a crasher damages another crasher they do normal damage (no modifier).
When a crasher damages an attacker then we calculate the highest highest crasher total plus the highest defender total over the last 5 minutes against the highest attacker total to get the modifier.
When a crasher damages a defender then we calculate the highest highest crasher total plus the highest attacker total over the last 5 minutes against the highest defender total to get the modifier.

To explain crashers better, they always receive a penalty on the bane field since we can't know if the crashers are helping attackers, defenders, or no one. If there are 40 defenders, 60 attackers, and 30 crashers at a bane, then crashers would count as 80 (30 crashers + 60 attackers) vs 40 when fighting defenders, and as 70 (30 crashers + 40 defenders) vs 60 when fighting attackers. In other words it's never beneficial to bring crashers to a bane to get around this system. If you want to bring other nations to help you at a bane, make sure they're allied to you so they do not receive a crasher penalty to damage.

The damage bonus/penalty is designed to give each side a fighting chance. The modifier based on the assumption that each player on both sides will average an approximate equivalent amount of damage. So if the fight is 40 vs 80 (1 to 2 ratio) the side with 40 will do half the damage of the side with 80.
The system modifier is designed to help normalize the damages between the smaller and larger force. In order to not be a hard counter to numbers, the system does not completely normalize damage until the ratio of small force to large force grows extreme. What this means is that if the difference between a small force and a large force is only 15%, then there will be very little normalization of damage (both sides will do close to what the would normally do without the system). However as the difference grows extreme the normalization kicks in more and more. At 4x difference in force size (20 vs 80, 40 vs 160, etc) the normalization kicks in to fully match the two sides. At this point if both sides are doing equivalent damage per average person, then they will do equivalent total damage. What this means is that the system will kick in less when you bring 50% more people than your opponent versus twice as many people than your opponent. The more someone tries to zerg the more this system punishes them.
Here are some sample modifiers:

Bonus to Smaller Force
1.15x: +18% damage
1.5x: +20% damage
2x: +46% damage
3x: +98% damage
4x+: +150% damage

Penalty to Larger Force
1.15x: -1% damage
1.5x: -12% damage
2x: -21% damage
3x: -32% damage
4x+: -37.5% damage

Some additional rules:
1) The modifiers don't kick in until at least one of the two groups (group of person attacking, or group of person being attacked) reaches at least 20 people. So very small banes are not affected by this system at all.
2) There is no system modifier until one side is at least 12% larger than the other side.
3) Attackers and defenders never receive a penalty for attacking crashers, even if their totals are larger than the crasher totals.
4) Crashers always receive at least a minimum 20% damage penalty when damaging attackers or defenders.