This article lists formulas that have been confirmed by testing or official sources.
[hide]Skill Formulas
Focus Skill Cap
55 + Intelligence + (primaryStat/10) + raceBonus + traitsBonus
Base Skill
(75 + 3*Intelligence + 2*Secondary Stat) / 20
The secondary stat depends on the skill:
Constitution: Toughness and Athletics.
Dexterity: Light Armor, Unarmed, Unarmed Mastery, Dagger, Dagger Mastery, Staff, Staff Mastery, Bow, Crossbow, Archery, Blade Mastery, and Blade Weaving.
Spirit: Class focuses (Bardsong, Nature Lore, etc.)
Strength: Heavy Armor, Medium Armor, Axe, Axe Mastery, Sword, Sword Mastery, Hammer, Hammer Mastery, Polearm, Polearm Mastery, Great Sword Mastery, Great Axe Mastery, and Great Hammer Mastery.
This is only a rough approximation. There is no formula for this as the rate at which they increase is irregular. The Shadowbane Gameplay Mechanics forums have the full list.
Training Skill Max
Results are in Percentile
1) Take your main stat and divide it by 10.
2) Add your race bonus(if any) to that.
3) Add any creation runes(if any) to that.
4) Add 50 to that.
5) Add your INT to that.
6) Add 10 to that(this is to compensate for the 2 for 1 first 10 trains)
7) This final number is what you can train that skill to.
Points Spent to Train
First 10 trains = 1 train for 2%
Past 10 trains = 1 train for 1%
Past 90 trains = 2 trains for 1%
Past 134 trains = 3 trains for 1%
Partial % does not register in formulas, ex. you gain no benefit for having 91 trains in a skill as it is the same % as 90
Attack Rating Formulas
Spell Attack Rating
(7 * Spell Focus Line) + (0.5 * DEX) + (ATR magical bonuses on weapon(s))
Round .5 values to next highest whole number. (i.e. 719.5 = 720)
Melee Attack Rating
(Primary Stat / 2) + (Weapon Skill * 4) + (Weapon Mastery * 3) + (ATR Enchantments) * 1.stance modifier
Defense Formulas
Defense = (1+Armor skill / 50) * Armor defense + (1 + Block skill / 100) * Shield defense + (Primary weapon skill / 2) + (Weapon mastery skill/ 2) + Dexterity * 2 + Flat bonuses from rings or cloth
Passive Defense
Block: (base skill + Block bonus from shield) / 4, +/- 1% per level difference
Parry: (base skill + Parry bonus) / 4, +/- % per level difference
Parry bonus = 5% for dual wield, 10% for two-handed weapon
Dodge: (base skill) / 4, +/- 1% per level difference
Spell Dodge: (base skill)/16, +/- 1% per level difference (unconfirmed)
Dexterity Penalty on Armor
(Weight of all armor) * .004 * (Dexterity with no armor equipped) = (Dexterity penalty with armor equipped)
Damage Formulas
Weapon Damage Calculation
[Damage from the Warlord's/Morloch's prefix] is added on the min and max of the weapon afters skills and stances are added. So it is added to the minimum and maximum damage the weapon could do to an opponent with zero resist that hasn't been exposed. In effect it is added to the numbers the server rolls the dice between to determine weapon damage, before it considers resists etc. It isn't added to the actual amount done.
In summary damage works like this:
1. Work out modified weapon base damage from weapon base + enchants that change min and max
2. (Theortically) added weapon damage multipliers (like Slay Rat etc) - not currently coded.
3. Reduce min and max damage of offhand weapon by 30%
4. Calculate Max and Min damage (formula on the wiki)
5. Halve the min and max if you are in deathshroud
6. Add +dmg mods to min and max
7. Add damage multipliers to min and max (stances, zeals etc)
8. Roll for damage between the min and max
Suffixes like "of Slaughter" affect step 1
Prefixes like "Warlords" affect setup 6
- Amaz
Maximum Weapon Damage
Weapon Max DMG = BaseDMG * (0.0124*Primary Stat + 0.118*(Primary Stat -0.75)^0.5 + 0.0022*Secondary Stat + 0.028*(Secondary Stat-0.75)^0.5 + 0.0075*(Weapon Skill + Weapon Mastery))
Minimum Weapon Damage
Weapon Min DMG = BaseDMG * (0.0048*Primary Stat +.049*(Primary Stat-0.75)^0.5 + 0.0066*Secondary Stat + 0.064*(Secondary Stat-0.75)^0.5 + 0.01*(Weapon Skill + Weapon Mastery})
Spell Damage Formula
Min = (0.0045*Int + 0.055*(Int-0.5)^0.5 + 0.006*Spi + 0.07*(Spi-0.5)^0.5 + 0.02*Focus) * Minimum Spell Damage
Max = (0.0117*Int + 0.13*(Int-0.5)^0.5 + 0.0024*Spi + 0.021*(Spi-0.5)^0.5 + 0.015*Focus) * Maximum Spell Damage
Stamina Drain Per Weapon Swing
1/3 stam per 1w of items, per swing
a 3w item will drain 1 stam per swing.
a 15w item will drain 5 stam per swing
w = Weight.
Attack Speed Calculation
The attack speed cap is one attack per hand per second.
Attack Speed = Base Weapon Speed * (1 - Alacrity Prefix/100) * (1 - Alacrity Suffix/100) * (1 - Stance Bonus/100) * (1 - Alacrity buffs/100)
An example:
- Doomfist = 21.5 speed (1 attack every 2.15 seconds)
- Legendary Doomfist = 18.275 speed (1 attack every 1.8275 seconds) // 21.5*(1-15/100)
- Legendary Doomfist of Alacrity = 14.62 speed (1 attack every 1.462 seconds) // 18.275*(1-20/100)
- Legendary Doomfist of Alacrity with -40% Alacrity buff = 8.772 speed (1 attack every 0.8772 seconds) // 14.62*(1-40/100)
In the above example, a Legendary Doomfist of Alacrity with -40% Alacrity buff would be considered inefficient as the player has exceeded the speed cap and receives no benefit from additional attack speed.
In Shadowbane there are numerous different types of damage. Each character will have a certain amount of resistance to certain types of damage. These "resists" help mitigate the damage received only if the damage and resist are of the same type.
There are three types of Physical damage: Crush, Pierce, Slash. All three can be resisted. These are primarily caused by weapon melee although there are a few spells in the game that can do physical damage types. There are numerous other types of "casted" damage also: Holy, Unholy, Bleed***, Fire, Lightning, Cold, Magic, Mental, Poison All of these can be resisted also. In addition there are several other types of damage that can not be resisted: Drains (health, Mana, or Stamina)* , Disease**, mana damage, stamina damage.
- Drains can not be resisted however the Nightstalker class has a power granting immunity from them.
- Only found on one NPC only spell and can not be casted on players.
- can be cured but not resisted.
- Only found on one NPC only spell and can not be casted on players.
Your character's resistances can be found by clicking a tab (looks like a shield) on left menu bar of your character screen (the one where you equip things on your person- default skin) while in game. The resists value is expressed as a number which is a % of 100, and this is exactly how they function. Your resists will reduce incoming damage of the matching type by that amount:
IE: A wizard hits you with a mage bolt that would do 300 damage. You have 25% magic resists. The computer adjusts the damage accordingly and you would take 225 points in damage. (300 * .75 = 225)
It is possible to raise your resists value for a certain type of damage up to (or even past) 100% HOWEVER, this will not make your character immune to that type of damage as the computer enforces a "soft cap" of 75% as a maximum. This means that regardless of your higher actual resist % amount you will always receive at least 25% of the incoming damage. There is some value in taking a resist that high though - any time your character is debuffed or "exposed" to a certain damage type the value of the debuff comes off of your ACTUAL resist value NOT the soft cap of 75%.
IE: Your toon has an actual fire resistance of 95% (functioning at 75%). An opponent debuffs you for -30% fire resist. Your new resist value would be 65% while debuffed. Once the debuff wears off your fire resist would return to a functioning 75% (actual 95%).
Resists values can also go into negative values meaning your character is extra vulnerable to that damage type and will take that much MORE than the full amount of incoming damage from that type !!
Resists can be obtained several different ways: Jewelry, armor, Discipline or class spells, starting traits, or racially*.
- some races also come with weaknesses to some damage types!
Expressed mathematically it would be: New resist value = Old resist - Debuff Value.
Exposes lower a target's resist values to a certain type(s) of damage causing higher than normal damage taken. They can be obtained in two different ways: As a casted "debuff" (also weapon power which functions exactly the same as casted) or as a built in weapon suffix. These two different types of exposes function differently.
Casted or weapon power exposes such as Blade Master's "find weakness" are a straight debuff (expressed as a % of 100 just like resists are) and lower your target's resists to that particular damage type regardless of your target's resists by a set amount. -25% to C/P/S for Blademaster's "Find Weakness". Wererat's "Skree'ekt's Teeth" operates the same even though it is a weapon power : -41 to pierce resist only. These debuffs have a set duration and affect only one target at a time (unless the spell is an AoE debuff). They appear as a debuff icon on the target's screen and expose the target to all incoming damage of that type (from any one). They can also be removed like any other debuff.
EXAMPLE: While in rat shape you hit a target with Skree'ekt's teeth. Your opponent had +25 pierce resists prior to this. They will now have -16 pierce resist (25-41= -16) for the duration of the debuff. In essence a bonus of +16% above maximum damage. The computer will figure the damage taken according to this new resist number.
Weapon suffixes operate differently. Weapon suffixes such as "of perforation" for bows reduce the target's current resists by a percentage. This is different than a straight debuff and NOT the same because it only works as a % of your target's current resists. In other words if you are using a suffix granting +10% to pierce damage then the computer would look at your opponent's resists and lower THAT number by 10% and then use the new number to factor the damage taken. Weapon suffixes affect all targets and have no duration. They are always active if the weapon is equipped.
EXAMPLE: While using a bow with +10% pierce damage suffix you attack a scout who normally has +50% resists. The computer reduces your target's current resists by 10%. (which would be 5 in our example) So your target now would have 45% pierce resist (50 * .90 = 45) [but only when being hit by you with that bow] instead of 50% and the computer will factor the damage taken according to this new resist number. The target would still have 50% pierce resist when attacked by any one else. The debuff would only apply to your attacks while using that bow. This expose debuff can not be removed and does not appear as a debuff icon.
The drawback to this should be apparent the lower your target's resists the smaller the weapon suffix's % based debuff is going to be. All the way down to targeting a cloth wearer who has 0 resists in which case your weapon suffix is granting no advantage at all.
The whole time the computer uses standard damage formulas for the attack and then the standard resist formulas to determine how much damage is taken. The only thing that is changing is the target's resist numbers. Expressed mathematically it would be: resist = resist - (resist * (armor_pierce / 100)).