Test (Server)

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Mapset: Varies (currntly Vorringia)
Online Since: July 21st, 2003
Special Conditions: Highly Accelerated Experience and Gold Gains, Frequent Wipes, Testing of Patch Content, currently ARAC.
Other Information: This server is the Shadowbane Test Server and player and world wipes can happen at any time.
Siege Windows of Opportunity: From 1 PM to 12 PM CST (18-5 GMT)
Mine Windows of Opportunity: From 12 AM to 12 PM CST (17-5 GMT)

How to Access the Test server

  1. Copy the entire contents of your Shadowbane directory (folders, executables, dlls, etc.) to a new folder, and rename it (i.e. Shadowbane_TEST).
  2. Download the ArcaneIP.cfg file for the Test Server (available here).
  3. Extract ArcaneIP.cfg from the zip file and place it in the /Config directory of your Test Server installation, overwriting the existing file (i.e. Shadowbane_Test/Config).
  4. Download the ShadowbanePatcher.cfg file for the Test Server (available here).
  5. Extract ShadowbanePatcher.cfg from the zip file and place it in the root folder of your Test Server installation, overwriting the existing file (i.e. Shadowbane_Test/).
  6. Create a Shortcut to the Shadowbane.exe located in the Shadowbane_Test folder and use it any time you wish to help us on Test!