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Assassin Powers List
Level Icon Ability Description
10 Shadow Bolt Shadow Bolt single target cold damage and short stun
Backstab Backstab next weapon swing does extra damage ignores passive defense (requires invisibility)
Pellegorn.png Backstab: Pellegorn DoT and health regeneratuion debuff (requires invisibility)
Buchinine.png Backstab: Buchinine stamina DoT, ground, and stamina recovery debuff (requires invisibility)
Magusbane.png Backstab: Magusbane mana DoT and mana recovery debuff (requires invisibility)
Galpa.png Backstab: Galpa intelligence, spirit, and spell damage debuff (requires invisibility)
Gorgons.png Backstab: Gorgon's Venom attack speed and melee damage debuff (requires invisibility)
Invis cam.png Fade personal invisibility (mage only, cancelled if you move)
11 Defensive cam.png Cloak of Shadows personal defense and cold resistance buff
14 Blind cam.png Blindness single-target defense and attack rating debuff
15 Mes cam.png Shadow Touch single-target stun
Offensive cam.png Offensive Stance personal stance
Defensive cam.png Defensive Stance personal stance
Precise cam.png Precise Stance personal stance
16 Dispellpoison cam.png Antidote single target remove poison
18 Proc cam.png Poison Blade target weapon may deal extra poison damage
Poison cam.png Steal Breath singe target snare and poison DoT
19 Invis cam.png Invisibility personal invisibility (allows movement, mage only)
20 Resistpoison cam.png Poison Tolerance single target poison damage resistance buff
24 Speeddebuff cam.png Chilling Shadows single target attack speed debuff and remove attack speed buffs
26 Blindaoe cam.png Plague of Blindness AoE defense and attack rating debuff
28 Passwall cam.png Passwall personal teleportation (requires invisibility)
30 DApoison cam.png Counter Venom personal poison damage fortitude
34 Silence cam.png Silence single target chant removal, chant block, and chat silence
38 Indomitable cam.png Slayer's Focus personal stun immunity buff
40 Silenceaoe cam.png Aura of Silence AoE dispell chant, block chant, and chat silence
42 Healthdrain cam.png Shadow Mantle single target healing mantle (target cannot be healed)
50 Petassassin cam.png Summon Darkspawn summons a shadow pet