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Map of Galmord

""The roads have brought you to Kian Rill, traveler. Welcome! Long ago, when Aerynth was whole and Men still knew true death, this town served as a market for Wanford Castle and a waypoint for caravans bound for Dalgoth. The Turning has cut us off from other lands, and the old trade has withered away to nothing. Still, we still work and live here, protected by Wanford against the terrors that teem in the Outlands.

Icarus, Runemaster of the Hamlet of Kian Rill

Hamlet of Kian Rill is a starting zone safe hold unique to the Dalgoth mapset. The city is Feudal themed.


Hamlet of Kian Rill is located on Haven Isle to the northwest.

Class Trainer Availability

Hamlet of Kian Rill is home to a Healer, Fighter, Mage, and Rogue trainer.

Map Guide